A Really Big List of Analog Horrors




This is my special interest so I am very passionate about it!!

Series and Channels

The Mandela Catalogue

Incredibly popular- it’s one of the few analog horrors with an actual fandom. Not the scariest, but it’s an ongoing series with a great story. More on the psychological horror side.

WARNING: suicide and religious imagery are a huge part of the story. Can’t tell you much without spoiling anything.

[pictured: an early rendition of ‘N.’ He was the only one I could show without spoiling anything sorry lol]

Gemini Home Entertainment

Aliens. And trees. And a disease. All of these things are related. More on the body horror side, with a bit of cosmic horror.

No serious warnings, but still proceed with caution. 

As far as im aware, the series is finished.

[pictured: a woodcrawler.]


The only analog horror that’s ever really gotten me. VERY heavy (Fake) gore and body horror.

Fun fact: this analog horror takes place in my home state of Massachusetts, only 2 hours from where I live!! Mount Greylock is an actual mountain here- it’s the tallest peak in Massachusetts.

[pictured: some poor news reporter.]

Doctor Nowhere

Just watch. I recommend Oddity Compendium and The Boiled One Phenomenon.

[pictured: the boiled one. If you’ve been friends with me for any amount of time you would know that I call him my son]

Vita Carnis

Means ‘living meat’. Do with that what you will.

[pictured: an early rendition of a Mimic, peeking around a corner, going to attack someone]


Has made multiple series, all of which exist in the same universe. Diseases, kidnapping, child murder, cults, animal experimentation- It’s huge. Absolutely massive. Ginimonusauris.

[pictured: the cover for one of his most popular works, The Tangi Virus]

The Smile Tapes

Antidepressants but they’re drugs and make you kill people. Don’t do drugs, kids. 

Unfortunately, this series is done. The creator wanted to make music instead, I believe.

‘They lie above’ is not a part of the series.

[pictured: what happens if you take the smiley drugs]

The Real (S.1) The Real (S.2)

I haven’t caught up with this one in a while.

Reality is fading and nothing is real. You could look at an apple, take a picture of it, and the picture shows a wooden cube. It’s insane and really well done!

[pictued: an imaginary of the real, taking the form of a mannequin]

Monument Mythos

A rewrite of history. There’s 3 different universes, all of which are pretty much connected at the hips.

Also, don’t fuck with the moon god.

[pictured: the Statue of Liberty, off its base with something coming out if it]

Man in Suit

GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Heavy on the body horror aspect, but it’s never shown- just implied.

[pictured: the Godzilla suit]

White Stag Education

I say this as a therian and quadrobotist: therians if they were an evil cult. 

You will see what im talking about when you watch it.

[pictured: a stranger]

White Door Opened

I haven’t even watched the whole series yet. I have no clue. I’ve only watched the beginning part. It’s fucking insane. And really long.

Enjoy yourself.

[pictured: I have no clue lmaoo]

Woodlands National Park

Just watch it. Do yourself a favor. (It’s got wendigoooosss)

[pcitured: the logo for the park]

Happy Meat Farms

Animal testing was a really bad idea.

Body horror warning.

[pictured: an amalgamation of chickens]

Reaction YouTubers


He reacts to analog horrors, and was my introduction to the genre. Cool dude.

9 Kudos


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angora's profile picture

Tangi Virus is peak horror and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The first analog horror I ever watched was the contingency from Local 58, which I highly recommend to anyone (I’m sure you’ve already seen it, lol)

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XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX's profile picture

I love Gemini Home Entertainment and The Mandela Catalogue so much. <333

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Also, I love Kane Pixels' Backrooms series and his other series, The Oldest View!

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report