Visions Of Dead/Dying People

A couple weeks ago I read about a guy who was close to death. You know how it goes, a lot of trippy visions and so, the thing is that this guy was an atheist, so he didn't see any religious shit or anything, he was actually seeing the black void just approaching, like a black hole, and absorbing him. The weird thing is that he saw his dead father. This left me thinking, as I've read other similar stories, and a lot of them said to see dead relatives or important people. Another woman who was with her mom on her last moments says her mother saw a dead relative too, even a whole day before actually dying. And that left me thinking how weird it is the fact that, as an article about this said "only the dying see the dead".

This adds a lot of mystery to what death actually is, idk rn what to believe tho, but it's interesting to think what lies on the other side. As well as the implication of this, some say that it's the brain trying to conceal you, but apart the fact that this would be the only mechanism that triggers only in this moments (like, the brain doesn't just create visions to conceal you when you're sad or stressed any other moment in your life), the fact that, when involved, the only people you see is dead people. Why not, say, a living relative or friend that you love being there for you even if they aren't, if you have only one parent dead, why is it them the one who appears and not the living one, or why is only people you know and not an idol like Ariana Grande or Arnold Schwarzenegger., but anyways this are just my thoughts before sleeping lol. gn if anyone even reads this.

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