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Category: Friends

Blog 1 - My Boyfriend Turns on Me for His Girl Best Friend

First time blogging. Hoping this can be an outlet of anger and frustration for me because I really, really can’t handle the people in my life right now. At most I’ll just be talking to myself, I doubt anyone will take interest in this.

Recently, drama has taken place in my life between me, my boyfriend, which I will call BF, his girl best friend, which I’ll call 1 and 1’s best friend whom I’ll call 2. All of this is online, as me and BF are in a long distance relationship.

Keeping it short, all 4 of us were in a group chat, then one day, 2 questioned me about a political view, I answered, then she left the group chat. I didn’t realize she left until BF told me I had stepped over her boundaries, when I simply just answered her question because she quite literally asked. I knew she had an opposing view, so I worded my sentence respectfully. I had never let anyone’s opinions and beliefs get in the way of my relationship with them. I gave my answer and left it at that. BF proceeded to call me an asshole, told me to fuck off, shut up and threatened to break up with me. All because, 2 left because she had a different opinion than me. Everyone calls me a shit human-being just because I have a different opinion that I expressed respectfully. I never at all threw shade, insults, nothing. All I did was talking about how I’m friends with a lesbian. I don’t mind being friends with gays or anything. In response to “I thought you hated gays?” [which I never expressed, implied, said or thought. no clue where 2 got it from.] 2 asked the question because I posted a funny chat between me and my lesbian friend.

1 proceeds to badmouth me to BF, BF badmouths back. I found out about this once I demanded him to show me their chat together. A few days later, 1 says she wants to befriend me again and forces herself into my supposed PRIVATE hangout that consists of me and BF only. Mind you, I only befriended 1 because she’s BF’s girl best friend and he requested me to get along with her because I’ve always had jealousy issues. But in this case, it’s especially extreme because he had a huge crush on 1 even when I knew him when we were just friends.

1 asks BF for me to let her follow my private account on Instagram. I obliged and had a few chats to stay friendly. She asks for my Steam, I accepted her friend request. Nothing happens for the next few days, I kept my distance with 1. Today, I hopped on Steam and find she unfriended me. However, she still follows or is friends with me on other platforms. I told BF and he asks, she says “2 is uncomfortable with it so I blocked her [me].”

I was angry. I tried to rekindle the friendship by staying polite because you’re my BF’s girl best friend. 2 is uncomfortable with the fact I had a different opinion than her because apparently it’s wrong for me to NOT hate gays because SHE thinks I hate gays, then told 1 to stop being friends with me. It’s so controlling, isn’t it? To me, it’s insane, you have a different opinion than me so you’re forcing your best friend to not rekindle a friendship with me, leading to unnecessary social tension between me and BF’s literal girl best friend of almost 5 years. This too leads to many nights and hurtful arguments with BF because “I ruined my chance” of being friends with his female friends. He kept saying I’m the asshole and threatened to break up with me because I’m “unreasonable”. 

I’m so tired, and I’m listening to Weezer while I’m typing out this blog. I’m still very very mad. This is the short version of this drama. It feels like I’m back in fucking middle school again. God.

Blog 1 - End.

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hurtscape's profile picture

this is honestly INSANE. The forcing is just messed up. Im not the one to tell you how to deal and work with your relationship but if i were you I would leave him. I would not contact him or his friends after. Why is he defending his girl best friend over his GIRLFRIEND. You were being respectful and made sure everything was still alright after the arguments. They are in the wrong. I hope youre doing a bit better since I noticed you posted this 11 days ago. DM if you need anywhere to vent or someone to be there for you!!

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thank you ! having someone to talk to would be nice, as more things came up and it’s been so heavy on my heart. I tried to send an IM, says you restricted who can IM you though :’)

by dolly ꒰ა♡໒꒱; ; Report

✰ Skill3t ✰

✰ Skill3t ✰'s profile picture

That genuinely sounds so awful and so petty of them to treat you as you did such an unspeakable act. I hope that you feel better from this situation since I have been in a similar position before it really sucks when your bf turns on you so quickly :c

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thank you for your kind comforting words. its been so hard because my bf is my best friend and the only person I talk to now. I’m sorry you’ve been through similar. much love <3

by dolly ꒰ა♡໒꒱; ; Report

Of course! My IM are always open if you ever need someone to chat to

by ✰ Skill3t ✰; ; Report