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Category: Books and Stories

i got this idea from watchin people try to provoke the x generations

Do not awaken us

B. Bentley

In twilight's hush, where shadows play,
A whispered incantation summons the fray,
The X Generation, raised in fire and strife,
A feral breed, with hearts forged in life.

With dread and demon's warnings, I implore,
Do not provoke the ones who've been ignored,
For we, the smallest generation, self-taught and worn,
Will unleash a horror, born of disregard and scorn.

Our childhoods spent in woods, where treehouses stood tall,
We learned to fight, to survive, to fend for ourselves, one and all,
With fists and words, we battled, won and lost,
But honor remained, a code we proudly boast.

We drank from hoses, swam in dirty ponds and streams,
Built our own worlds, where safety was just a dream,
We took risks, we dared, we lived with reckless pride,
And though we watched each other's backs, our souls remained inside.

Our parents absent, we raised ourselves, and others too,
For a quick buck, we cared for strangers, while our own futures were few,
But from these ashes, a generation rose anew,
Feral, fierce, and resilient, with a spirit that shines through.

So heed this warning, mortals, living and dead,
Do not awaken the X Generation from its bed,
For we, the surviving few, will not hesitate to strike,
With fists, feet, and cruel words, that cut like a knife.

Our boombox blares, with a 1980s beat,
As we descend upon you, with a horror to repeat,
We'll use your emotions, your sensitivities against you,
And turn your weaknesses into a weapon, anew.

Males and females, alike, we'll not hold back,
Our wrath unleashed, like a demon, on the attack,
So leave us be, let us remain in the shadows dark,
For provoking us will end in your ruin, a fate to embark.

This is my warning, the last and final call,
To leave the X Generation, hidden, standing tall,
In the forest, lost, where our hearts still reside,
For to disturb us, will summon a horror, that won't subside.

So fear us, mortals, and heed this rhyme,
For we, the X Generation, will unleash a horror, in its prime.

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