going 2 highschool this year

i'm honestly super excited and anxious 4 highschool
i'm going 2 a highschool seperate from most of my friends and it's nerve-wracking and rlly exciting
i'm leaving my old rep behind but i still have friends i can talk 2
it's the same highschool my older sister and brother went 2 so teachers might recognise me
this high school is more modern (opened in 2007)
the students i saw there looked more like the type of people i would be friends with(tradtionally "weird kids", some looked alt even!!!)
plus i just like the vibe better than the alternate hs
i have 3 friends going 2 my highschool, one a grade above me, 2 my grade
but then, here's the thing
an old friend i fell out w b4 middle school reached out 2 me yesterday and says she wants 2 be my friend again and idk if she's being srs or doing it as a joke
we didn't go 2 the same middle school so idk what she could've told her friends
i don't want her 2 ruin the chances i have at being seen as me
grrrr this is scaryyyyyyy
32 days until the first day

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lexi363's profile picture

I hope you enjoy your freshman year

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skyyy's profile picture

as someone going into senior yr in the fall... ENJOY FRESHMAN YEAR AND DONT BE AFRAID TO BE SILLY CUS NO ONE KNOWS WTF THEYRE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!

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by welp.; ; Report