In this episode, a young man named Timmy, an avid user of the social networking site SpaceHey, brings a case against an anonymous user known only as “TheTroll”. Timmy alleges that TheTroll has been consistently posting offensive and triggering content directed at him, causing him emotional distress.
Timmy presents his case passionately, detailing the instances of online harassment. He demands compensation for the emotional turmoil he has been through. The courtroom listens in silence as Timmy narrates his ordeal.
When it’s time for Judge Judy to speak, she turns to Timmy and asks, “Did you use the block button available on the site to prevent TheTroll from contacting you or seeing your posts?”
Timmy stammers, admitting that he didn’t use the block feature because he didn’t want to ‘let TheTroll win’.
Judge Judy, in her characteristic style, retorts, “You’re telling me you chose to engage with someone who was causing you distress when you had the option to block them? That’s not standing your ground, that’s inviting unnecessary drama into your life.”
She continues, “The internet is full of trolls. If you feed them, they grow. If you ignore them, they starve. You had the power to end this with a click of a button, but you chose not to use it.”
With a stern look, she declares, “You’re not a victim here, you’re an enabler. Case dismissed.”
As the gavel hits the desk, the courtroom is left in silence, contemplating the wisdom in Judge Judy’s words.
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