July 4th 2024
Happy America Day to all those celebrating with BBQ, fireworks, and family.
I wish I had a good family to celebrate with, but I have some family even if I can't rely on them like they rely on me, it feels nice to be needed I just think it would be nice if I had someone to rely on too!
I recently tried to follow around a guy in my apartment, he's high functioning autist, low needs (lives alone in his apartment, has a job, has his own life and pays his own rent) but he's so not interested in me. I've come onto him really hard because he's cute and quirky, but he is entirely uncomfortable with me. I've been trying to seduce him but it's not going really well, he's really cute and accessible and safe though. I don't wanna be with some messed up drug addict guy who is violent or secretive or evil you know? It doesn't scare me that he's a major sperg, just sucks that he isn't interested cause I don't want to end up harassing him.
Also how do people bond with people they are like, sorta acquaintances with? Does everybody who I don't really hang out with but have para social relationships with secretly hate me? I mean people I hardly see, not people who choose to endure me. I don't know, my DMs are always open to cool people who aren't creeps to shoot the shit and tell me about their own platonic and romantic failings, but I also hope if you are a halfway decent person reading this whether you believe in America or not, you have an interesting and enjoyable fourth of July holiday, whatever that looks like for you.
Unless you're a sicko, then I hope you die. God bless <3
Happy America Day...
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