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Category: Books and Stories

Contrevversial ships

wwhat is evveryones favvorite contrevversial ship?? any fandom (any quadrant aswwell)

it seems like so many people havve ships they think are "contrevversial" but they are just so basic... 

one of my favvorites is Vvris and Tavv in a one sided kismesis Vvriska bein' the one flushed now let me cook

Vvriska repeativvly claims she hates Tavvros like full heartedly but she also clearly has some other feelin's for him ((think the pupa pan scene showwn in this post)) and you may retaliate wwith "but she killed him doesn't that provve she actually hates him?" NO because afterwards she mentioned to John just howw guilty she felt as if she had done something wwrong but she also said howw she thought she wwas supposed to fully hate him because of their difference on the hemospectrum and in the afterlife she actually apologized to Tavvros and wwe can only assume she apologized more than once because they wwhere already talking before Gamzee made the tavris sprite 

I Havve cooked

feel free to share your contrevversial ships or comment on mine

Pupa pan scene 

Pupa remains as pathetic and useless as ever. The stardust did nothing! Probably because it is just glittery powder with no magical properties whatsoever and is basically bullshit. Because in case it wasn't clear, magic isn't real, and neither are miracles.


It could just be that Pupa has failed to have a happy thought!

Your duty is clear. You will have to MAKE him have happy thoughts. 

So I read a lot more of the book (still not done oh my glub.)) wwhat the kelp is going on wwith their relationship in the after life?? They keep calling each other "matespirits" but Vvris keeps pretty much hitting on other people ((especially John)) and she doesn't seem all too interested in Tavv romantically?? He clearly cares about her and is vvery often jealous but also doesn't seem to have much romantic feelings more so a dedication to careing for her despite wwhat she does I'm so vvery confused.

2 Kudos


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