In this hot summer, what better drink to cool off than a nice mojito, and what if you don't have gin or white rum at home but only white martini? in Salento (Italy) we say "eh, ta minti nculu" in english approx is "to take it in the ass" . but we don't give up, so here's my MOJITO recipe
. before you start getting the ingredients you need some nice Salento reggae with this skin-warmer sun, so turn on the speaker, open Spotify and play w shuffle the "Sud Sound System" band
. put 5-6 mint leaves (wild ones is better) in a tall glass
. put two teaspoons of brown sugar
. add a little bit of sprite soda to make a pulp with the sugar (instead if you have lime, which is even better, squeeze half the lime)
. crush everything in the glass well until the mint starts to smell like "Diu cumanna" (transl. "God commands") (I took a spoon, bent the glass slightly and crushed with the spoon)
. smash some ice and try to fill the glass approximately
. pour the white martini [dose q.n.o. (Quantu Ne Oi) (transl: h.m.d.y.w., How much do you want)]
. add the sprite until it fills the glass (if you used lime, cut the other half of the lime into wedges and drop them into the glass and add sparkling water instead of the sprite)
. mix everything bonu bonu (very well) (if your passion is deforestation then put a sprig of your own mint plant)
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