Anyad's guide to the internet : profile pictures

Welcome back to another WONDERFUL addition to my guide! Im anyad, and im here to show and tell you, what other internet guides will probably not show you! So, lets dive right in.

What the HECK is a profile picture?!

A profile picture, often shortened as pfp, is as the name suggests, the picture on your profile. But its actually much more. Its how people will view you when they interact with you, associate the character with you! Its how they can see you like the same media as them, or how you look (if you decide to be a weirdo, and use a selfie).

Other than the social aspect, its a good way to express yourself! You can show your emotions with just a few pixels on a screen! You can only have ONE profile picture for a profile, so pick carefully!

My profile pictures are usually of media characters i relate to on some level, or just characters i like! For example, its nanachi from made in abyss right now! (Ill make a guide for anime at some point too, so dont worry!)

A profile picture should also fit with the other aspects of your profile. Your name, emoji usage is important! Im not saying it as a set in stone rule, just more of fashion advice. 

Profile pictures are the base of your being on the internet. Its the first thing people see, sometimes even before your name( If seeing a pfp is possible, of course)!

But anya, where do i find such pictures?!

Well..there is an easy answer, and a not so easy one. Ill say both.

The easy way: Google. Just search "Thing"+ pfp. Thats it. Really.

The "harder" way: Pinterest, Pixiv, or many other apps/image boards (tho, pinterest is preferred)! I know, a whole new app and account sounds scary, and i made it sound even scarier, but trust me, its really easy. Sign up, and just search "thing". Usually brings stuff up without adding pfp. Pinterest has LOADS of people JUST LIKE YOU looking for and making pfps.

In short, pick something meaningful. Or dont. Thats up to your personality. Whatever you will pick, will fit you, because you picked it. Because, thats you!

Thank you for reading, and i hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for my next blog :)

Anya out!

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