Are ghosts real?

Hello 👋 

So, I think YES ghosts are real. I mean they’re invisible but they use their energy (in a bad or a good way) to for example move things. I think that after our life we can choose if we want to stay a little bit longer on the earth or we can just go to the “better life”. People who had some problems or just didn’t end something will stay and try to contact with us to help us. The bad ghosts are mad because or we didn’t help them or they were not happy in their past lives.

It’s just my theory 

What do you think guys?

See yađź‘‹

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deadwitch's profile picture

hii im a paranormal investigator and i urbex!! here is my beliefs,

- demons are not something that are as common as the media and uneducated people make them out to be. i promise there most likely isn't a demon thats wasting its time on some random human.

- spirits cant just pick up a heavy box and throw it at you, its not how that works. there are different types of entities like spirits who were human, and entities that were not and never will be anything close to a human. all of which has different mentalities, abelites and energy

- spirits usually dont like you trying to be all in their business. imagine a random group of people barged in your room and started screaming at you to get and talk to them and to touch stuff T-T

- i believe that when someone passes, the stay on earth for a lil bit to witness their funeral and mourn themselves, then they either pass on or stay here for longer.

i could list so much more but those are just a few of my beliefs on the matter :3

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M&M's profile picture

I definitely think ghosts are real since I've seen things both online and in real life that I just can't explain at all

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Ghosts do not exist, what does exist are spirits, they are beings that left the earth but cannot leave the earth completely.

by helpxluuvs5; ; Report


kazzxi's profile picture

I have mix feelings about ghosts existing. With most who creat content based of the supernatural being fake which makes the idea seem bad or just fake.
But their are videos I seen which logic cannot explain, most of the time.

Just me rambling :3
But most stuff make ghost just see fake, so mainly no , ghosts are fake.

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