• Nicknames: andy, drew, kev (by his darnell), boyfriend
  • Gender: male
  • DOB: november 2nd
  • Sexual Orientation: pansexual panromantic
  • Relationship Status: "focusing on the grind" (single.)
  • Occupation: cashier/associate at angel's mercy boutique, nightshifter at dunkin donuts, caretaker for his grandmother
  • Voice Claim: alex g (speech and singing)


  • Age: 20.
  • Species: human
  • Race: caucasian (french/irish)
  • Body-type: unselectively skinny, but toned legs from standing often
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 127 lbs
  • Complexion: pale, slightly dark circles around the eyes, with plenty freckles!!!
  • Hair: deep, rich green with light-green highlights ; long and fluffy, with thin braids in the front
  • Eyes: deep brown, nearly black
  • Scent: old spice and HEMPZ lotion (sweet, earthy smell, not like weed)
  • Handedness: left
  • Scars: thick, short strip across nose-bridge (covered by various bandages), scarred fingers from various mishaps, various scars around the upper and lower back from makeshift attempts at collecting insurance money
  • Tattoo(s)/Piercing(s): two sets of earrings, one tattoo mid-hip reading "AUT IVENIAM VIAM AUT FACIAM." (meaning "I shall either find a way or make one.") tbc
  • Strength/Reflexes: quick reflexes for speaking sign-language, but is relatively weak besides basic retail strength
  • Supernatural Abilities: none
  • Diseases/Disabilities: adhd, depression, chronic fatigue(?) tbc


Referred to as 'sunshine in a corked bottle' by his beloved grandma, Andrew tries his hardest to live up to the title. Though, being urged constantly to pay bills and support his household solo, even in his low-income neighbourhood, he finds it hard to really contain the thick hopelessness that sneaks up on him after every lonely shift. Even still, he'll do whatever he can and the BEST he can for just about anyone (with money; sometimes without, if you're lucky [or cute]), and do his best to never take ANYTHING THAT seriously, even in the most dire circumstances.


With being the only son of a pair of drug-addicts came nothing but heartbreak. After his parents lost themselves in narcotics via individual overdoses a year apart, Andrew was taken in by his beloved grandmother Siobhan (pronounced sha-von). She raised him to be polite, easy-going, thoughtful... but also quite the swindler. In her younger years, she reflected her cheapskate, money-siphoning demeanour onto her beloved grandson any way she could; any way that she possibly saw a chance for a teaching moment, she took it, practically engraving the love for saving a dollar or two (or earning a dollar more) into him forever, earning him his hard-working spirit in the process.

As they grew older together, Siobhan eventually grew deaf and feeble, leading Drew to learn sign-language (as well as for his deaf neighbour whom he'd taken a liking to) and take care of her to the best of his ability (even if she says she doesn't need it). And now, only twenty, he juggles a handful of jobs and the livelihood of the woman he practically deemed his mother, hoping one day his reckless attempts at insurance fraud will stick somehow.

He can't quite grasp how suicidal it makes him sound.


This section will only include RP related encounters/relationships. Characters who have never interacted with this character will NOT be included! Will be updated by encounter (hopefully).

MOM & DAD: Who?

SIOBHAN RUSSELL: Mom. His leadheaded angel.

ASIDES PICO: Deaf neighbour. How long has he lived next to him again??? It feels like they grew up together, but... Aren't they still growing?

ANGEL MERCIA: The boss. She seems like she's got no brain in her head with the way she pays him, but at the same time all the bonuses she gives him for a job well done and a cute smile makes the it worth the trouble in the end. One day he'll steal her wallet.



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