Hii guys ^_^!!
Ik this’s a SUPER random blog cus I’ve been basically dead for the past mONTH but i just needed to kinda “get this off my chest” or rather just talk about it cus it’s kinda irritating to me :P
FOR A LITTLE CONTEXT, my dad is an NFT/ CRYPTO bro. He just loves money, it’s actually a little weird lol x_X!! And the FUNNY part is that he doesn’t even pay the monthly shit he AGREED to pay and gets mad whenever we visit him and I ask him if he can buy me shit or if he can just PAY THE FEES FROM MY OPTOMETRIST APPOINTMENT >:C!!! LOOLL
ANYWAYS, as some of you (literally nobody lol) may know i make art and ive BEEN drawing for 7 years but making digital art for 4 years now (lol literally nOBODY could’ve known this information)
I USED to love showing my family my artworks cus at the time i had actually been making LOADS of progress and finding “my art style” lol. BUT at the time, and even now, my dad always pestered me by telling me how he wanted to turn my shit into NFTs.
Ofc, I didn’t and DONT want him to turn the art i make for fun into his NFTs, so I told him that I’d rather take the time to SPECIFICALLY MAKE art that he can use for his NFTs. Apparently that was the wrong answer cus he shouted at me and told me how he was even gonna take my older art i made when i was SINGLE DIGIT AGE and use it for his NFTS
Ngl I cried as soon as i got to my room cus 1, i dont like being shouted at by him cus he’s SCARY AS HELL😭. 2, idk i kinda just felt so powerless lol. Like, idk WHY he wanted the ones that meant a LOT to me and the ones i genuinely dont wanna use for THAT PURPOSE. I wanted him and ASKED HIM if he could at LEAST walk me through the whole NFT thing cus, this was during like 2022 and it was at the PEAK of the NFT hate, but i saw my dad be so invested into something literally EVERYBODY MADE FUN OF, i at least wanted to SOMEWHAT see what he saw. I straight up told him that I PERSONALLY thought it was a scam and lol he threatened to hit me ^u^!!
He was honestly so petite and smol for that >u<,,!! LMFAOOO
ANYWAYS, now i dont show him my art cus i kinda dont want him to see how my art looks like. It’s changed A LOT and I’d say I’ve improved throughout the last time he’s seen my art, so i dont want him to see that improvement and see money signs LOLL.
IDK sometimes i kinda feel like he only keeps me around becus im a potential employee to him :P!!
Even the last time we visited him, he didn’t really treat us like his daughters but more like employees. He also gets SUPER mad at me cus i ask too many questions and i just dillydally about BECUS HES NOT THAT SCARY TO ME ANYMORE >:P!! LOLL he always asks me when im gonna work for him so IT ONLY PROVES MY POINT 😭!!
Loll anyways, thnx 4 reading if u did :3
Srry 4 this more “serious” entry, i just felt like it’s a weird enough experience that i wanna throw into the void and potentially have somebody look and laugh at :3
Until next time ^u^!!!
Baiiiii >:333
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what a nightmare
genuinely if this sounds mocking it's not i just don't know what else to say
by Frost-Bite; ; Report