xXx_AndrewApocalypse_xXx's profile picture

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Category: Life


DNI (do not interact) list:

Zoophiles, Pedophiles, people under 13 and over 18 unless ive known you for quite a while, people supporting israel/zionists, people who make fun of others for their interests, any religion-phobic people, bigots, Homophobic people (its ok if you dont support the LGBT, but please dont strongly rub it in, at least respect it !!), racist people, neo nazis, ableist people (including those against self diagnosing), fujoshis, himejoshis, people interested in lolicon and shotacon, using slurs you cant reclaim and proshippers, yall r fuckin disgusting.

BYI (before you interact) list:

im fucking cringe, warned ya!!!! i say alot of curses/slurs and might sometimes say rude things unknowingly, so please point it out if you found something i said offensive or mean, that would be super very much appreciated :3 !!

4 Kudos


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