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Kingdom Hearts 2 Prolouge Revisit

Was feeling somewhat nostalgic for kh2 as of late and decided to go back to my old ps2 copy to play through the prologue again as I haven't done so in some time, at least not on ps2. 

One interesting difference I noticed fairly quickly was that the voice lines used for Roxas were deeper than on the re release : 0

After comparing voice lines I found that they for some strange reason used Ventus's voice lines for Roxas in the re release on ps3 and ps4 for some reason???? A bit odd but interesting! Honestly prefer it being his OG voice tbh

As I walked the the cozy warm streets sunlight shown through from a twilight sky, memories of getting the game from my local mall and the following night where I binged through the game that night flooded my mind. It felt comforting and safe almost. Kinda teared up as the music blared through my old crt. Lazy Afternoons is such a pleasant and soothing song, it just gives off the feeling of nostalgia even if your listing to it for the first time, crazy how that  works and idk how but its one of the best tracks in the game and fits the town and this part of the story perfectly. Roxas is one of if not my favorite characters in the series and going through and playing through that prologue again brought back so many memories and reminded me why I connected with him so much when I was little and even now. The way his life was completely derailed, his fight to be his own person while it seems like the world fights against him and that sad acceptance near the end where he joins back with Sora, his emotions shinning through when Sora leaves and the station and you see a single tear roll down Sora's cheek as Roxas within Sora's heart feels the pain of leaving his friend's and his circumstance.

Honestly as fun as the combat encounters were my mind was constantly in a state of melancholy. After the very hard past 6 years of my life with the loss of opportunity's, friend's and my parent's it was almost like I was mourning my childhood as I played through the prologue again. Like Roxas I felt like my life was stripped away from me for a time and while I won't go in depth as I think that's better suited for a post on 358/2 days this revisit resonated with me emotionally unlike the last time I played that hit very different and I think that's important to note and understand why it has compared to last time.

If you haven't played Kingdom Hearts or Kh2 at all I highly recommend it. It's a series that's packed with so much earnesty and emotion, there's nothing else really like it. Well thems been the thoughts, hope you enjoyed my rambles and I'll see you all next time I rise from the dead

See ya!!!   :3

Twilight Town

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