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Category: Writing and Poetry

Vampire Culture: IDEAS!!

Components of Culture Definitions and Examples

1. Value and Belief

- Cultures standard for deciding what is good and just in society

- Embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching culture's beliefs

- Beliefs are tenets or convictions that people hold to be true

2. Norms

- Accepted standard or way of behaving and doing things that most people agree with

- Ex. folkways, taboos, mores and laws

- Folkway: School Uniform | Taboos: Incest | Mores: Gossip | Law: Violation of property

3. Symbols

- Signs that carry additional and cultural meaning beyond literal representative

- Ex. Middle finger

4. Language

- Symbolic means of communication through gestures, sounds or written words

- ex. Slang, metaphors, dialogue

5. Rituals

- Formalized mode of behaviour

- Ex. Christian prayer

Vampire Stuff

Vampire Value and Belief

- Preservation of buildings and intolerance of modernization

----> Maintenance of old architecture and preservation of history instead of constant rehoming and building (Castles, gothic buildings, chapels, Victorian homes, etc)

- Respect of age and position

----> Older vampires are treated with much respect and are seen as wise. Younger generations often come to them for advice and embrace new with the old

----> Ex. Preserving vamp-gramps recipes but acknowledging modern ways to get blood that don't include unethical ways that disrupt the lives of humans and animals

- "Let's Drink Some!"

----> National drink is the Bloody Mary

----> Meant to be respected and enjoyed with meals, not drunk fast

- Family

----> Meals are shared with family, and friends are seen as family. However contact with humans and strangers is given with caution and politeness out of fear

----> Strong will of the saying "family first". If you cut your family off, you are looked upon with pity, concern or disgust

- Privacy

----> Extremely strong need for privacy and conformity as to not upset humans

----> Sharing personal details about one's life is unusual, except with a family member or friend you have a close-bond with. Even then, they prize independency unless in times of need

Vampire Norms

- Folkways

----> Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, it is impolite to show your fangs unless in positive contexts/scenarios and eating

----> Must wear a napkin or bib when going out to eat, as to not spill blood on your clothing

----> Brush and floss daily, say "please" and "thank you", generally keep good hygiene 

----> Initial greetings are formal and reserved (making direct eye contact while talking, firm handshake and standing up to greet others)

----> Older vampire's are expected to kiss a vamp-women's hand, however human men are not expected to do so.

----> Referring to people as first name is acceptable

----> Gift giving is important and frequent. Situations include: visiting someone's house (new and in general), funerals, birthday parties, holidays, weddings and newly weds

- Taboos

----> Racial, sexist and phobic distasteful jokes in depressing situations

----> Asking a vamp-women's age

----> Refusing a gift. If you refuse a gift, you will NEVER receive one ever again. Even on important holidays and when being visited

----> Adultery, bestiality, incest, child abuse (physical, emotional, neglect, spiritual, mental, psychological)

----> Throwing out blood unless contaminated

----> Giving a vampire garlic, cross, holy water, bible, and poppy seeds

----> Having mirrors, anything reflective or anything related to the sun inside a vampire's house

- Mores

----> Stealing blood and animals (specifically from farmers, elderly, poor and children). deception & fraud, plagiarism, extortion, and trespassing 

----> Disrespecting elders and parents, lying and not being honest to those you love

----> Respect for life (killing is seen as wrong, factory farms are begrudgingly accepted)

----> Smoking and excessive drug usage is looked down on, as it's seen as disgusting and the smell is unbearable for majority of vampires (same as humans)

----> Vandalism

----> If you wish to ask out a vamp-women, you must provide a small gift out of appreciation and for a higher chance for her to say yes to you

----> Skipping or not giving a gift of condolences at a funeral

- Laws

----> Immigration and Citizenship (understand documents and citizenships, VISA requirements, process for obtaining citizenship)

----> Species rights and discriminations (includes both vampires and humans, uphold of basic fundamental rights and equality, [based on race, gender, sexuality, religion and species], have the right to seek legal recourse)

----> Education (right to free and high quality education, enroll your child into public/private schools, and support children & adults learning journey)

----> Employment standards (workers rights, minimum wage, working hours, safe workplace, and ensure fair treatment)

----> Driving laws (follow traffic laws, obtain necessary permits/licenses, know driving regulations such as speed limit and blood alcohol level [BHL goes for humans and vampires])

----> Criminal laws (constitutes as legal activity, ex. murder, theft, child abuse, fraud, war crimes and terrorism, right to attorney and fair trial)

----> Taxes (funding of public services such as healthcare and education, understand how to file taxes and not get charged)

Vampire Symbols

- General, Physical and Mixed

----> Flag of whatever country vampires are currently resided in (most populated areas are: Germany, Transylvania, Rhode Island, and England)

----> National anthem of whatever country vampires are currently located in

----> Bloodstone/moonstones/rubies/sapphire rings and jewelry represent long lasting marriages. The bigger the couples diamonds are, and how many they have, the more prominent and long-lasting their love is

----> Garlic, anything Christianity related, stakes, mirrors and sun-related objects or items, means you're insane, unfriendly and consider vampires to be unwelcomed

----> Badges, trophies and rituals of honour and historical significance (peace medal, nobel peace prize, oscars, purple badge, war medals, knighting, royal blessings, blood bathing, etc)

----> Traffic signs, company logos, books, and uniforms

----> Physical gestures of insult include; bearing your fangs at others nonconsensually (it means fight), middle finger, and using a stake motion, pretend to throw garlic, and hanging up garlic (that is a legit threat)

Vampire Language

- Slang

----> Short form of phrases and sentences (ex. "thank you" - "thanks" "please go away" - "Vam, fuck off" "bro" - "Ghoul")

----> Refer to different kinds of blood by street names. Similar to drugs and scientific terms (ex. O+ = Holy Classic | O- = Juice | Older dry blood = rusty water | Reference to blood or circulatory system = Hemoglobin highway)

----> Shorten titles of family members (ex. mom, dad, sis, bro, aunt, etc)

----> Insults/Racial slurs (sarcastic Dracula pronunciation, sparkle boy [twilight reference], leech, suck-face, tick, bitch-face, monster, demon, succubus, fanger, etc)

- Metaphors

----> Often use the word "stake" for sarcastic or passive aggressive banter depending on context (ex. "Stake got your fangs?")

----> Death is used lightly as vampires are semi-immortal and is to poke fun at other vamps (ex. "You got death breath")

----> Often use the word "bloody" in situations regarding negative connotations

----> Soulless is used as concern for a fellow vamp that seems sick (ex. "ghoul... you should go see someone, you're looking soulless")

- Dialogue

----> Older generations use cursive and speak in old Victorian, while younger generations use more slang but tend to speak in full sentences

----> Older gens take swears to be a sign of misfortune and insist you wash your mouth after. Younger generations aren't as superstitious and take swearing in context

----> Baby-vamps are into heavy vampire mythology such as Bloody Mary. It is trendy to attempt to summon her by saying different rhythms and rhymes

----> Baby-vamps often have stutters because of their fangs growing, but once puberty hits majority grow out of the stutter

Vampire Rituals

- Behaviour

----> Bloody Mary's MUST be served at any all special events. Vampire's do a small hand circle motion as a way of showing gratitude to being served

----> Herbs are often used as good luck (with exception of garlic and sometime onion) ex. if you want to get married soon or dream of your future lover, you get your herbs rubbed with moonstone and wax and put it under your pillow to sleep on

----> On Valentine's Day, women must give blessed black flowers to men. If they wish to read their future together, they must grind the peddles up and poor it in a kiss martini to see if it changes colour. (The darker, the longer lasting the love)

----> To make sure a child is healthy and well, flour, salt, coins, kiss martini's and insects are used to channel spirits of other vampire's. Often placed by the window at the god-vamps house

----> Take family activity together in the slaughter pigs on Christmas for fresh blood and good luck. Men traditionally kill the pig and women cook it and prepare the blood

----> Eat goats heads and brains on new years for wealth and health abundance

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Hats 9999

Hats 9999's profile picture

Whoa. This is so detailed, I love it, it’s very interesting :]

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thank you very much!! <3 Ur pfp is adorable!!

by Masami (スターさん); ; Report