How God has changed my life and goals

I had no goals in life. I had nothing I wanted to do. I just wanted to grow old and see where life takes me. I would sit and do nothing, but God changed that for me. He told me my purpose, and that was to spread the word of God through my love for art.

I've decided that I'm going to make a show for God, to highlight how amazing he is. He deserves it.

Now, once I found my purpose to make a show, I had no clue what it would be like in the first place, but one day....

On March something something, I started playing roblox again. I joined a game called "church" and there I met was this girl.

She was on the podium, preaching, answering difficult questions about christianity that I at the time, had no clue how to answer, and when people would get angry with her, lash out at her, she kept her cool. She was awesome, and smart, and inspiring.

She told me, one day I could be like her, I can convert people too! I will never forget when she said this

"If I can convert 100 people, you can convert 1000"

It made me believe.. I can actually do something.

Also, now I'm seeing so many other men of God have goals, like someone I recently interacted with, a brother of mine, said he'd like to join the Navy Seals one day. Crazy right? Hearing that at first I was shocked, but he was so determined, he didn't care if it was dangerous, he just wanted to be someone. That's the mindset of someone who's gonna succeed in life.

When so much crap happens in life, you start to not care anymore. You start to have this urge to take over your life. You'll do anything it takes to get what you want, even if it's dangerous, even if it's a difficult road, because anything in that path.. is better than growing old and wishing you've done something different.

God bless, stay strong, and stay hard my brothers and sisters.

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xXspacegrrrlXx's profile picture

good for you girlie

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