so this was about 2 days ago, my dreams have always been a bit strange
it starts off in a really big house, im chilling with some women yk, g u y s h t u f f
one of them is playing soccer with me and accidentally kicks the ball down a really big flight of stairs
as I go down to get it, one of the girls says to be careful and grabs my arm before i get a chance to move,
so the house im in is semi gothic with elements from diablo 3 as I go down i meet this one guy who has robotic legs, and a monopoly guy get up, and he's pretty skinny
as I go deeper into the house the colors get more muted and grey, the guy with the robot legs is telling me that I need to let go of my life energy or something, the guy is getting noticeably fatter as we descend
once we get to the very bottom, I see the manifestation of death in his black cloak and skeleton beauty
so death pulls out a deck of cards and greed puts his own deck on the table, I decide to shuffle both decks together and it takes me a long while, because while im shuffling, the cards change direction on where they face and change size in my hands
as im trying to get the cards dealt the surrounding environment changes to this battle of Warhammer 40k armies, its all space marine's and orks painted red, so i look back at the tabel and death and greed are talking about something I know nothing about, greed has put on a good 300 lbs
so once the deck is good and stable, the cards started to resemble artifacts from different mythology, once I deal out the hands death says shall we play
and before I get the chance to ask the rules i wake up
so anyone have any thoughts on the meaning??
ive been pondering this for a while
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