HELLOOOO INTREPID READERS! Sorry for the delay, I was gonna upload the ZINE on-line last night, but the powerline I siphon power from stopped workin'! Those bastard storms! It's the end of the month and you know what that means! ANOTHER ISSUE OF THE ZINE! We at the dumpster have been gettin’ back to normal after my little impromptu adventure. I’m still workin’ on retellin’ that whole mess on my BLOG on the official CHAINGUN ISLAND WEBSITE! So give that a read too! As for the ZINE, you can yer copies in-store at Spiral Groove Record and Arcade Legacy and on-line at the INTERNET ARCHIVE and NEWGROUNDS FILE DUMP! I feel like somethin’ important’s happenin’ in July… some kinda… anniversary? Stay tuned!

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