Atticus Atlas's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

SpaceHey Survey :3

Made by Alecu/Al!

PART 1: SpaceHey

Q1. How did you find out about SpaceHey?
A: Googling up on MySpace while back lmao, lookin into it and saw at the botto of the wikipedia page the page for SpaceHey, and I thought it seemed funky. Didn't join til a while later

Q2. What made you join this site?
A: Uhhhhhh no clue. Older web vibes. Desire to fuck around and find out (I'm glad I did!)

Q3. Do you have prior experience with forums/blogs? If so, what was it?
A: I had a Blogger blog for middle school, that was kinda fun even if it made me so very obviously Autistic to my classmates QwQ And I've been usin Tumblr, tho it's a "microblogging" site, I've done some blog-length posts on there!

Q4. What inspired your layout? How much time did you spend on it? Are you satisfied with the result?
A: Chose one that I liked the vibes of and worked from there, slapped on some awesome blinkies and stamps, eventually stuck on a half-complete and probably shit Pokemon team composed of my faves lmao. I like naturey aesthetics and old tech, I hope thats kind of the vibe my page got. No clue how long I've spent on it, I've done alotta work on it and I likely aint done. I wanna make the colors more in line with my neocities..... maybe. Eventually. I dunno. It works for nowsies.

Q5. Did you befriend anyone? Can you name who?
(you may just name people you find to be cool!)
A: My good bitch RyPory! I dunno how he found me, neither does he, but we be commentin on one anothers bulletins and have a friendly time interacting that way! And we got each others discords and we draw things for one another :3 Shoutout to him he's so cool

Q6. If you had a possibility, how would you make the site better/change it?
A: For the love of Gott. The gore spam problem. Please. Other than that also giving the app cut/copy/select/paste capabilities. And finding a way to keep rage bait out of the top blogs that shit is so stupid I jus wanna see silly graphics n sites comps pls.

Q7. What is your overall experience with SpaceHey? How would you rate it?
A: I have no clue how this compares to MySpace, so I'm judging it on its own merit. I definitely enjoy the intimacy of the platform to an extent, in the sense of Friending and bulletins only bein visible to those Friends, its so easy to jus post bout my day or what I'm thinkin or what I'm doin, its temporariness makes it so personal? and I love a site that doesn't make you sign up to be able to see it's shit like blogs, that's a W (does that apply to forums too? I don't use it much) However, there def problems, like the prev mentioned gore spam and rage bait. ik this is a small platform w a small mod team and no algorithm, but it's hard to recc this site when I gotta forewarn people about gore and discourse being nigh unavoidable.

PART 2: The user

Q1. How do you like to be called, including pronouns? Any additional nicknames? Is it your real name or just username? If it is, what are the origins?
A: I am Atticus, it/its pronouns mainly. I also go by @ (At), and vi/vim and dae/daer pronouns. Atticus is my real name, chosen cus Trans lmao. I like to claim I got it from Atticus Ross but you can probably guess where it's actually from.

Q2. If you know, what is your Zodiac Sign, MBTI, enneagram, ect..? Do you believe and/or are you into topics like these?
A: I don't really fw that shit, I know I'm a Libra and INFP, lost track of what those really mean other than Yeah. I for introvert lines up!

Q3. What are your hobbies and what do you like spending your favorite time on? Are there any that you want to pick up but don't have the motivation/time? If you are an artist, share some of your your art here if you want!
A: I do drawing and cosplaying! And also streaming! All of those pertain to video games mainly, I'm a Gamer tm. I'd love to learn to 3D model in the sculpting sense one day.

Q4. Do you remember what was your first fandom? Tell us about your experience with said fandom!
A: Most definitely VenturianTale, if that wasn't my first it was my most interacted with. It was a cringey and fun blast at the time, a bunch of weirdo middle school girls mainly obsessed with all these stupid gmod characters made by this group of siblings. I notice the fandom had a VERY low key Christian vibe to it though, many people I knew holding some sort of faith. The Fryes are Christian themselves I believe, but my atheist ass didn't give a shit, it wasn't a focus of their videos. It was a nice space overall :3

Q5. Let's stay positive! What things do you like about yourself?
A: I love my red voluminous hair. I used to want to have straight blonde hair but not anymore bitch I love this red poof B) I also like my art! It may be rough sometimes but I made it and thats cool as hell!!!!

Q6. What's your relationship with the current world? Do you like it, or do you hate it? Why? What would you like to change about it?
A: Everyone needs to stop killing and oppressing one another man that's all I'll say on that.

Q7. What aspects in friendship/relationship are the most important to you? Do you have any red flags that you try to avoid in people?
A: Havin at least a couple pieces of media we both enjoy is a good basis! Aside from that communication is very important. Being able to understand how one another communicates and makin all that shit clear, ya gotta do that otherwise one or both of ya will be miserable. Not really sure on red flags, except "does not care about X minority groups' human rights."

Q8. What things make you happy? It doesn't have to be anything major; even small things can count!
A: Gaming B) its hard to get myself to do it but fuck yeah do I love it. You can watch me stream games on Twitch yippee! I also love partaking in the act of creation whether it be drawing or making cosplay or writing!

Q9. Are you currently looking for friends? What about a romantic partner?
A: Always lookin for more friends! I mean preferably ones in my area that do cosplay, I need more cosplay friends lmao. I'm learnin to be comfortable single but also..... oh do I want a woman to hold me.

Q10. Do you have any advice for people?
A: Your data is only as important as the number of copies you have of it. My dad works in IT and he's always sayin it. Make backups and backups of your backups gang.

8 Kudos


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