Breaking up via text is very immature?

My boyfriend doesn't like me, or at least that's what he shows me. Even if I try talk to him about our problems, he just ignores me, or just says 'sorry' and does nothing about it. He doesn't text me, he doesn't visit me, he does nothing. He flirted with some girls when I was just next to him and more shit like that. I stopped texting him and he clearly doesn't care. It's not like I wanted flowers, big dates with fireworks or something. He just doesn't fucking care about me. There is no way I could just meet him now (whenever we are supposed to meet, I have to wait an extra hour for him, or he just says he doesn't have time (I always see him playing with his friends)). I think I want to break up with him. I always thought that breaking up with a text is stupid and immature, but I don't see any other options at the moment. 

So: Do you think breaking up via text would be very immature in the situation like that?

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mr.meowsymeowsman4's profile picture

im soory to hear about all this :( hoonestly i think uou can breakup with hiim in anuy way you want atp,, :///
iif breaking up with him via text is something you trruullyy wnat to do then i say go ahead adn get out of that relationship!!!! iit might be me but i dont think breaking up over text is really thaat stupid or immature of you especiallyyy if he has some habit of nkot even physically being there to talk to,,
im justs so so sorry you have to go through this :(( it seems so awfull,, i hoep you find some peace if/when you breakup

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ryha11a's profile picture

yes, but unfortunately most people do it that way because they dont want to handle doing it face to face

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