Perfect Peanut butter sandwich recipe from Bo Burnham

First get a plate, I'm using a paper plate, I know they're bad for the environment but I'd rather put a g*n in my mouth than have to do another dish, next up the bread, I ran out of the good pieces of bread so I have to use those weird edge pieces not ideal but we'll make it work, next up grab the peanut butter, I currently don't have the top of my peanut butter because I've been using it as an ash tray, now that you have peanut butter grab a utensil and start spreading!, I'm using a plastic fork because, like I said, I refuse to use dishes ever again in my f*****g life and I ran out of plastic knives, I know you some of you guys in the comments section will complain about me using plastic, but I bet you wouldn't say that sh*t to my face in real life, if this sh*t ever ends and we go outside again I dare you to step up to me in the street, try me! TRY ME!! STEP UP YOU F*****G P****S, F*****G WH-, there you have it the perfect peanut butter sandwich.   - Bo Burnham, 2022

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