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Category: Life

Public Diary?!?!!??


        Now,, why am I making a public diary??? doesn't that defeat the purpose of a diary?? yes. Do I think anyone is gonna read it?? no,, and idgaf. This is just a silly thing for me. Anyways, today has been relatively uneventful. My striped fingerless glove thingys arrived in the mail,, along with my Insect Pinning needles. I was thinking about going out to find some dead bugs for taxidermy purposes, but I realized how fucked that would look and took a nap instead. I came down to the PC to read Homestuck, but I got distracted by the alure of updating my blog and making it less hard on the eyes (I don't think I suceeded.) I found out my friend genuinely thought that Changed (the furry porn game) was a cute silly game about transfurs, that was family friendly. Sometimes I wonder how I surround myself with people who are so... "smart",, but  then I remember I'm also an idiot so,,,,, whatever. I have work tomorrow, and I'm not really excited but at least the bitchy manager from the other store should be gone now. We've been insanely short staffed recently, because everyone's been quitting. MY FRIEND IS ONLINE AND WONT MESSAGE BACK. I hate her guts. That's a joke. I hope she doesn't see this. I'm drinking a really good Monster right now but I cant help but think about how recently I had to go to the hospital for severe pain, and nothing came up but I decided to stop drinking Monster for a bit and it got better,,,,,, I might genuinely be killing myself with this stupid drink but its whatever I'll be fine. I wonder if I should show this blog to my therapist,,,

_End Entry 6/28/24_


  Today kind of sucked honestly. I had a 9 hour shift and wore the wrong shoes so I was dying all day. everyone was assholes and sucked, but luckily tomorrow I only have a 5. excited for my payday though, it should be as full as It can get considering my wage is 11 an hour (gonna kms). Went to the store before work though and got some snacks, all of which I didn't eat because I was at work all day. I also didn't finish my Monster because I started feeling Ill by the end of my shift </3 I'm gonna be going to Seattle soon with my grandma though so that should be fun. Hopefully tomorrow wont be as bland

_End Entry 6/29/24_

6/30/24 through 7/2/24


well actually I have a girlfriend but that's not really important

_End Entry 6/30/24 through 7/2/24_

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balls (a test sorrys)

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