Train Line A6n3n3a

Train Line A6n3n3a

This story happened to an optimistic young train helper on a journey along line 633.

The day before the trip, the helper was checking the starting tracks for a good start. When you hear a beautiful voice.

- Hi, I'm here...

- Hey!?? – He looks around and finds no one.

He questions his sanity and what the job was doing to his head, but then goes back to checking the tracks.


On the day of departure, the small train company gave him his tasks. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he read task by task. He thought to himself that he couldn't do everything alone.

Well, the train he would work on was medium-sized, and carried a lot of passengers.

Assignment tasks


Serving drinks and food to passengers (23:00)

Hand over room keys (00:00)

Clean the wagons (00:40)

Check the coal (1:00)

When passing through station 133, turn off all the lights in carriage B, at station 134 turn them on again. (2:58 to 2:59)

When passing station 166, turn off all the lights in carriage A, at station 167 turn them on again. (2:59 to 3:00)


Please do not go to the driver or the control cabin. Thank you for understanding.


The schedules made him dizzy, and turning off the lights at each station made no sense. At least he would have plenty of time to sleep and eat a meal.


The train would leave at 10:40 pm, and would take two days to travel. At that moment, the assistant was checking the tickets. Passengers got in quickly, because they knew how quickly the trains needed to leave.

Until a woman with the most beautiful appearance appears at 10:39 pm. She smiled and held out the ticket, which was quickly approved by the assistant. Then, suddenly, the train accelerates at an absurd speed, which for a start seemed impossible.

- Sorry, miss! – The assistant shouts, already far from the boarding station – Wait for the next train!

But the woman continues smiling without saying anything, just saying goodbye with her hand in the air. Which is well reciprocated by the helper.

- Well, now let's get to work.

He headed towards the first class carriage, when he saw the beautiful woman who had just said goodbye. Now he is sure, work is messing with his head.


Soon, he discovered that the car that required the most effort was that of the middle class (B). But first class (A) was also very busy. Soon after the discovery, he began taking orders first for economy class (C), the emptiest and least busy.

So it didn't take long with the service, even though it was a small train company, the trains were luxury. So the services should be the same.

That company's trains had a kitchen, with renowned chefs and talented cooks, but there was only one waiter. Yes, the helper. There were long turns and exits to carriage B.

So when it was finally his turn for first class at 9:35 pm, he looked at the beautiful woman again. She was exactly the same as the one she had left at the station. Was it her head playing tricks?

- What would you like, girl?

- Some water with wildflowers, please.

All the limbs of her body stiffened, the woman also had the same voice as the one who had called him while she was checking the tracks.

- C-c-of course. Anything else?

- Yes, no, thank you. – At that moment, it seemed that two voices, one calm and the other strident, were fighting to respond.

The assistant, already a little scared, took the order to the chef.


After the orders were delivered, all the kitchen staff went to bed. With that, the work of handing over the keys began. The assistant made sure to announce in the three carriages where to get the room keys.

- Between carriage A and carriage B, where everyone entered, in front there is a counter, there I will be answering key requests. The rooms are in carriage D. To find out which carriage you are in, look at the signs on the wall. There is a letter on them. The service will only operate until midnight. Thank you for understanding, good night.

Having said that in carriage C, he went to the counter. Which in this case was also the place where there was a flashlight, some rules for passengers, a clock and a telephone.

And at the exact moment he sits down to wait for passengers, the lights flicker.

And through the entrance door, he sees a person, with a distorted smile, as if he was going to touch his ears. Although you couldn't exactly see his face, he seemed to be staring at him, and smiling more and more.

The lights come back on, and the figure is no longer there.

- What...?


When the employee came to, the time confirmed as 2:57, and, still disturbed by the figure he had seen a few minutes ago, he went to turn off the lights.

However, when he is about to do so, the lights go out completely, leaving him with only the moonlight and his dark face. There was not only the countenance of the moon in the carriage.


The aide stumbles, watching the figure emerge from the darkness. The manic smile, the dark brown hair and the dress snaked with charcoal and blood.

The whispers seemed to echo in the carriages, but nothing came out of the creature's mouth. There was something being said, but it was incomprehensible, it sounded like a thousand different voices, delicate and cruel, as if it were a shot from an ornate gun.

The employee then gets up, he was alone, there was no one else there. Terrified, he runs through the cars, feeling the heavy presence. His last hope was the driver's cabin.

Fearing for his life, he charges at the door. It's locked, but there's something strange. There is no one driving the train. With no other way out, he leans against the door, looking at the entrance to the carriage.

It seems like the tether of his life was about to be cut, in a dark and devastating, beautiful way, it was the end of him. The whispers grow louder, indicating the last moments of torturous suffering.

The distorted figure appears. The noises cease, the creature stares at the boy in the depths of his soul in eternal torture. The woman wanted to see every little part of his suffering, his agony, his pain.

He should die, just like her.

- My name is Anne.


1 Kudos


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