allf0rthen00kie's profile picture

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Category: School, College, University


im kinda scared of not being able to get into university... 

the major that i want has only 40 slots for ppl to get in :/ 

im scared they're gonna be full and im not gonna get it!!!! aaaaaaghh

this is so important to me ppl have no idea!

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wyll's profile picture

40 slots!??! wow those are really slim chances..
i wish you the best of luck 🫡

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thank u so much :3!! its crazy out here in portugal... ppl don't take music seriously but yeah i hope i get in!

by allf0rthen00kie; ; Report

✰ Skill3t ✰

✰ Skill3t ✰'s profile picture

omg only 40 slots- that sounds so stressful, but I hope you're able to snatch up a spot >:3

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thk u! :) im rlly stressed abt it.. ig i just have to wait and hope i get in!

by allf0rthen00kie; ; Report

of course! you got this hehe

by ✰ Skill3t ✰; ; Report