Why is making real friends hard :\ (vent/ rant)

Ive had 'friends' but they either leave me behind or i slowly realize they are a terrible human being.

i was friends with this girl and whenever a guy was around shed purposely try to embarrass me in-front of them and i always thought it was weird. she also was just rude and would talk shit about anyone for no reason. i never liked to hang out with her because all she'd talk about is Boys, s*x, and fighting. i dont care for any of those honestly and that is literally ALL SHE WOULD TALK ABOUT. i blocked her and stopped talking to her (even though we go to she same school) because i felt like she was weird. and she always would flex the fact that she had such a high body count (shes 17 with a body count of 20+) and yet would call any other girl a h*e for doing the same thing she does. she even  tried  to get me to join in with her but i imminently said no and stopped liking her as a friend. everyone in out school (which isn't that big of a school) knew her and didnt like her. when i first met her  other people were telling me to stay away from her and that shes not a good person and causes drama for no reason. I didnt listen because she was my first friend there and i was new. i had no idea that she was such a bad person until i blocked her and really thought about it. all the things she had done and i just let it fly over my head because all i wanted was a friend. i eventually made acquaintances over time that i know i wont talk to next school year but it was nice talking to them. she nearly got me into a fight when it was supposed to be just her and another girl that im acquaintances with but i made sure to let her know that im not going to fight her battles when she started it in the first place. i feel like i just have a pure hatred for people like her and it annoys me to no end. 

all the other friends that ive had told me that they didnt like me because i dont talk that much and never wanna hang out. sorry im trying to relax at home after a long day in a smelly cold loud and crowded  school full of people i either dont like or dont want to talk to. im very introverted and im surprised that i even attempt to make friends and i like being left alone. i do wanna hang out with people but i dont like to do it everyday. sometimes i need a break from people and i appreciate having days where i get to do nothing at all.

this was just a rant/ vent of barely even half of my thoughts :))

2 Kudos


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