The Horus Heresy is cooler than 40k

Warhammer the Horus Heresy (Warhammer 30,000) is way more cool from a narrative perspective than 40k. Let me explain

The key feature of 40k is that the scale of war and bloodshed is totally uncomprehendible- thats what make the lore so fun. I mean, thousands are sacrificed to the 'good guy' in his golden throne every day. But its this same scale that means its pretty hard to relate to any of the BLOODY INSANE characters in the setting (cough cough Grimaldus).

'But Tomathy' I hear you cry 'What about Gaunt? Or Caiaphas? Not to mention Talos. Well, my esteemed reader, yes, these characters are all brilliant. And yes, they exceed many of the characters in the heresy. But look me in the eyes and tell me that Garro isnt so BLOODY awesome that you want to die? RYLANOR, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! 30k manages to capture the mental scale of the dark millennium, but in a much more organised sense. The fledgling Imperium is cohesive, and from that springs a million and one infinatley epic characters.

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