abby's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

6/27/24 first time doing this

   rainbow sparkle divider     

ive never done this before but it seems fun to do. let's talk about abby! let's talk about my day!

time: 3:05 am (28th)

mood: sleepy and sad

song of the day: princess castle 1987 by peach kelli pop

eating: nothing at the moment

drinking: water

currently listening to: mallrat semi-annual by slaughter beach, dog

diary   rainbow sparkle divider   diary

hieeee! sooo my day was kinda sucky. i didnt take my meds until like an hour ago.. oops! also i have bad pms so ive been crying.. a LOT! my mom is in a bad mood today so i was kinda nervous to be around her (she's not abusive!! i just dont like to get yelled at!) and he hasn't texted me in like a week and a half so i cried a lot over that. i miss him a lot. i hope he feels that way about me too. BUTTTTT in good news.. i did a lot of work on my profile! i had a lot of fun hanging out in my room on the computer all day! i also got some stuff done around my house so that's pretty nifty. in weird news, my grandparents came over. and mid conversation dropped "oh jon and kayle are breaking up" (context: my aunt and uncle) apparently my uncle started drinking a lot so she took the baby and left. good for her! i asked my mom if we could go to joann or goodwill this weekend.. fingers crossed for both! that's all i got for now. i'll check back tomorrow

hibiscus   rainbow sparkle divider   hibiscus

sad cat

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