GUYS! Idk if I should cut my hair cus its already kinda short and i've tried growing it out for like a year already and idk what to do!!! I also kinda wanna dye it but I don't think BRIGHT blue would match ANY outfits I would wearrrr!!!

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✰ Skill3t ✰

✰ Skill3t ✰'s profile picture

Honestly I'll say go for it! it doesn't hurt to be silly and have colorful hair :D

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by reyy; ; Report


JellieTaffy's profile picture

Do you like how it looks when it's long? Awkward length jitters can get the best of anyone, so whether you want to grow it out or not is key.

Also you could always choose a darker blue or just something on the paler side

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yeah i'm at that awkward length and HATE how its kinda in the middle. And yeah the more dark/pale shades could be a good option BUT I would really like for the blue to stand out lol.

by reyy; ; Report

You could try doing a dark blue with pale or bright streaks in it streaks in it, or a light blue with dark or bright blue ends or something. Mine's just barely grown out enough to put it in the world's ugliest, most ineffective ponytail, so I totally get it.

by JellieTaffy; ; Report

Highlights would actually be a good idea. and REAL LITERALLY I HATE having my hair in ponytails they look SOOOO ugly

by reyy; ; Report