The girl with the yellow bike

Every day there was a tall tanned skinned girl with a yellow bike,

She had long flowing blonde hair that danced in the wind,

She rode her bright yellow bike everyday carrying books in the basket attached, 

Anyone who saw her would smile,

She was always alone though, 

She was alone as she finished her homework, to when she rode her bike, to finally going to bed,

No one knew why she was always riding her bright yellow bike at the same hour every day,

So one day a disgusting man, he was a pervert who had been watching her for a while, 

The man follows her route to where she lives and sees the yellow bike, he waits a few minutes before knocking on the door,

A grown man answers, the old man asks about the young girl with the yellow bike and the man responds that no young girl lives here just him and his cat,

The old man grunts but then his eyes widen seeing the girl peek through the window, 

“There she is right there!” The old man shouts, The man shuts the door deciding to ignore the man. 

The old man waits for till the man leaves and climbs through the window stumbling, he sees the girl

He reaches his wrinkled to touch her but his hand goes right through,

His heart drops as he slowly backs into a wall, the girl comes closer and he moves farther tumbling out of the window and he falls to his death, the girl was seen the next morning riding her yellow bike while the perverted man’s body disappeared. 

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