I subscribed to this blog - my blog - the one you’re reading the title of

i forgot what this entry was going to be about.

it sounds like i’m lying but i’m incredibly serious when i say that i had a really good idea for a first blog. i was making the userboxes for my about me page, had an idea, and thought “yeah that’s a good idea i should do that.” now that i don’t have an idea i’m kind of pissed off. the idea is THERE but it refuses to make itself known.

as i sit in my nice-ass air-conditioned room with a WII!!! a WII!!! THE SUPERIOR CONSOLE!!!1!!1!!!1!1!11111!!!!! i can’t help but feel like this is a bit of an insignificant problem. imagine going back like 250 years and bitching to a victorian child about forgetting a really good idea you had for your spacehey blog. after it’s done screaming you’d probably feed it a sour patch kid or something because, hey, you might as well. that’s the ideal thing to do in that time period.

circling back to my WII!!!, earlier i played Wii Party and accidentally broke a glass cup over losing at board game island. i’m still incredibly pissed because Elisa didn’t deserve the win. she’s clearly given/is currently giving brain to Party Phil, because he kept giving her fucking double rolls.

for context, this is what that hustling bitch looks like.

you can sense the evil in her eyes.

anyways, since i don’t want this to have been a shitty and worthless read for you, here’s some art i did a few nights ago based off of the song The Ending of Dramamine by Car Seat Headrest. 

the drawing.

Recently i revisited Will Toledo’s final solo album How to Leave Town, and, for lack of better words, was stunned by how harshly I had overlooked the album on my first listen roughly a year ago. The opener, which the artwork above was based on, is a euphoric 14-minute journey that gave me goose pimples by the end. i know that i’m praising a dead horse considering that this album is a decade old, but i highly recommend you check it out the next time you have nothing good to listen to.

fuck i just remembered what i wanted this entry to be about

2 Kudos


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fredy83's profile picture

Elisa you hustling b**ch…

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