k@! c@n^ib@l's profile picture

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Category: Life

ranting about my bf cuz why not XD

TW!!!!! : transphobia (kinda), sexual shit with minors, sh/khs and rasism (kinda acording to his ex/my best friend) 

sooo i dont really like my bf because one when I came out it him as trans just like my mom he said "no your not" and all our friends know in trans and they respect it so I was talking to them and said "as yall know I am a man" and he cut me off and said "no your not prove it". one time he said "meet my in the art hall I have something for you" and one thing I told him when we started dating was that if he wanted to kiss me he would have to ask me first and that I don't like phishicl touch (only with men for some reason) and you know what that mother fucker did he fucking kisses me ON THE FUCKING LIPS and I couldn't push him away because it was in front of his friend and I didn't want to emmbaris him and that was the last time I talked to him. a another time he said "would you rather kiss me or send me a pic of your b00bs" and so I hung up. lastly and idk if this is true cuz my friend (for back round info her and her sister are Mexican) so she said he once said the n-word no pass and he said to her "go back to Mexico you border hopping *b slur*" and I what to leave him but he says if I leave he'll khs and sh so idk what to do

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Anzanielle's profile picture

The only thing you can do is break up with this idiot.

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m4ryj4y's profile picture

it sounds like you should break up with that transphobic LOSER and get with a girl…. no hate just advice if ur looking for it. he’s def not gonna khs, they always just say that, and not to be like heartless or anything but even if he did… that’s not ur fault or ur problem tbh, that’s his decision to make. if he sends u anything after u break up w him don’t open it in case he does sh, just block him after you break up
good luck with everything!! i hope you find a way to resolve it soon

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