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Life of a call Agent.

Life of a Call Agent.

I work for a company who subcontracts with the company I'm actually employed with !!  I know I know sounds nuts right.  I been with the company 9 months almost ten. I been trained basically across the board.  I wanna share the call I had a few months ago. 

Me- Thank you for calling such and such, I'm Kris how can I help you?

Cx Male-  Oh My isn't your voice cute 

Me- chuckles and says again how can I help you

Cx- yes i'm having an invoice issue 

Me- upbeat ok i can deff help you with this today 

Cx- im sure you can help in more ways then one 

so im trouble shooting and just talking and keeping on task when the caller says 

CX- So Kris do you drink wine, if so i know this amazing place in Ohio. 

Me- Not much of a wine drinker. 

Cx - Oh Kris you would love it we need to meet up you you should totally download the app meetme and we meet up for dinner and wine 

Me- sir lets stick with the task at hand and fix your issue, also me blushing and messing my Team Lead little did i know my Team Lead was listening to my call and laughing his butt off 

So i get the caller's issue fixed and that was my last call of the night.  me and my TL bust out laughing and he said he had game, I do have to admit he did and he played it well but it was still awkward and strange lol 

Tell me you strangest customer experience 

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