Introducing Myself

Hi! Decided to give this place a shot, because why not. You can call me Alex, Al, or Aurora. I’m 26, Latina, and my pronouns are she/her. Nice to meet you :)

I’m surprised by the number of teens on this site, tbh. When I heard there was a new MySpace clone, I figured it’d mostly be the Neocities demographic- folks who remember what the internet was like before it became homogenized advertiser friendly minimalist slop. Imagine my surprise seeing all these 15yos! But I’m glad. Kids deserve an internet space that isn’t ruled by Mastercard and (shudder) the Algorithm. Granted, I have heard about all the gore spam and moderation issues, but… That’s kinda what it was like online when I was that age too, lol. 

To go into a little more detail about myself, I’m a goth and a lifestyle lolita, and I love sewing and modifying my own clothes. I also love video games- primarily adventure games, some fighting games, and weird old licensed property games (currently playing through Princess and the Pauper GBA, it’s really good). I really enjoy visual kei, and vocal synths like Vocaloid, UTAU, Synth-V, etc.

I hope to have a good time here! Don’t mind my boring default layout; I’m working on making a custom one, but since I work during the day, it’s taking a bit of time. 

0 Kudos


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Noble Jelly

Noble Jelly's profile picture

The age demographic of this site does make me a little uncomfortable being perfectly honest. Feels like I accidentally walked into a noisy children's lounge lol. Nice to see another 20s user, hope you enjoy your time.

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Thank you! :) Yeah, it is a lil odd. Especially the kids who keep sending me random friend requests... like hello???

What’s especially wild to me is that a lot of them seem to be into the exact same stuff I was into at that age even though I would have expected it to be lesser known to their generation. I keep seeing like, Death Note avatars and thinking “Oh, this person must be around my age” and then I go to their profile and it’s like “I’m 13 years old! ^_^” HUH?!

by ArmoredAlchemist; ; Report