Firstly, Face Reveal! And some bonus food items I've worked on before

the food samples are usually pretty simple and easy to follow. I also work for a local pizza shop nearby so if you need anything in terms of help as to what I ordered for that pizza below, snag a peak at the receipt I scanned. 

face reveal!


What I usually make as a quick snack/meal is a parfait. Starts out with whole milk plain greek yogurt (you don't have to follow that exactly, it could be non-fat plain), and then honey granola for a middle base, topping it off with strawberries and blackberries. Stir until all is mixed. I decided to pair it with a peach iced tea. I know it doesn't look iced but it was a homemade iced tea (pouring hot liquid into a cup of ice melts 75% of the ice away -- sad af)

parfait and tea

next up, simple pancake and eggs with a Jeff gordon mug full of coffee. Nothing else to it other than that. 

a simple breakfast...

AND FINALLY THE 'ZA. If y'all were that curious, huzzah!


ze recipe

(note: you can change the size if needed, also das my real name don't mind that haha)

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Noble Jelly

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wow, another gen-z black drinker??? I thought I was the last one.

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I prefer my black coffee to be less stronger than others. I'm a bit sensitive but I love the rough taste. Kinda like beer and alcohol. I prefer them like blondes hehe. LIKE MY HAIR I just realized HAHA

by kade; ; Report

Ha, personally I drink decaf Black. I save the caffeinated version for important stuff so I don't get a resistance. No shade against milk fans (they know who they are) but the bitterness helps re-enforce the fact that you're drinking a stimulant. Maybe this is just my food service experience but in my experience, the more sugar a drink has, the worse it is for your body, especially when it contains caffeine. My old jobsite has this super surgery drink I used to drink a ton in the first weeks. Once on a slow day I decided to look at the ingredients, and it contained 390 ml of caffeine per large cup :O I was damn near close to popping my heart everyday I served myself.

by Noble Jelly; ; Report

It's insane what my generation likes to drink I'm almost ashamed to be part of it. Sad thing is that my boyfriend often drinks that kind of over-caffeinated stuff and it worries the hell outta me. I usually have at least a couple of cups a day. One decaf for taste and the other for a stimulant (I will not lie, sometimes when I'm on a sick one (meaning a hella great day) I'll treat myself to a little bit of caramel creamer but not much). He on the meanwhile drinks 'fufu' monsters (I don't hate monster energy, it's just what I call it's other flavor assortment other than the original - like what you like dear friends) and I'm worried he'll have a heart attack.

Gen Z Homemade Coffee Drinkers Unite!!

P.S. homemade coffee is more fun since you can deck it out with whatever you want. I'm saving up for an espresso machine low-key hehe

by kade; ; Report

Another victim of the caffeine cult, monster is on a whole 'nother level tbh. Most monsters have such cool designs and a very refreshing taste. Would recommend keeping him away from similar drinks like Bang (300 mg of caffeine compared to monster's 160).

by Noble Jelly; ; Report