💚 diary #15 ❤️ 6/25/2024 💚

Today was like kind of a long day but also I didn't do anything ?

i got up a little early to finish studying for my test. i thought it would be hard but honestly it was actually really easy to learn. Did stuff like R&S configuration, acid-base reactions, resonance structures...... like i said, really simple and also unbelievably easy to understand. I don't really get why people say that organic chemistry is hard LOL It's just a lot to remember at once

I decided not to dress up today for class.. I was super lazy and just wore a hoodie and sweatpants, but it's okay since I looked cute. My mom also got some perfumes and some hand sanitizer for me from Sephora yesterday, so I took one of those. It was a mini size of the purple Sol De Janeiro scent. It kinda smells like an old lady scent, but vanilla, which I'm okay with KSDFJ

Drove to to study group....... the person in front of me while driving went so slow it was really confusing. When I got to study group, it was just me and the two girls that normally show up, plus the organizer. We went over some stuff we were confused about and I explained some stuff to them, then did a few practice problems. Apparently, one of them knows this family that I was friends with a while back, which was neat.. then the organizer of the group thanked us for showing up which felt nice.

One of the practice problems we did was from the organizer's previous test, which the teacher actually marked wrong when they got it right.. when we asked him to do itlater in class, he put the answer he said was wrong previously ?????

Those girls got 100 on the last test and I made a 98, and they said that another student was saying how they got 86 on it. So, one of them just stayed quiet... then, the other one went "Oh we made 100!" and then the student got mad and was like "Well, I think 86 is pretty good."

Later that day last week, after we got the first test back, they overheard another girl say how she got 95 on it and she knew that nobody got a higher grade than her. Which....... is not true..... but I'm glad I stayed quiet about it, and only they know what grade I made.

Then we went to class and did review for it.. I learned that Harry Potter tattoo guy used to be a nurse but he hates it, so now he's working to be a doctor. And the girl who is his friend went to x-ray school to do radiology which is pretty cool.

Test review was easy and kinda short.. I think it's a good sign if it's easy. After that we had a 5-minute break and then the test. It FLEW by. It was so easy but again, I studied a lot and I did what the teacher recommended to study. 

I find it interesting how on your practice problems you'll get it right without fail, but on the test, that'll be the one time you accidentally write the wrong thing or misunderstand something just for ONCE

anyway after that, I tried to leave the building, but I got stopped by some people wanting me to sign a petition. And I felt bad, and I lied saying I was registered to vote, and then I felt even worse, so I just signed it... but the woman there said I just had the sweetest little voice and asked if I had a YouTube channel and I said no. Then she said I should start a podcast LOL

then the guy holding the thing for me to sign said he was a libra too which was neat!! then I ran away and I got scared because I thought I was a criminal for lying, but my parents said  I was registered to vote anyway andnothing usually happens with petition.

I' m getting anxious just thinking about it

On the way home there were some people doing something in the road, but they let me pass, and then when I got home I made some chicken nuggets and tried eating somegrapes.. but I found mold on them and I'm SCARED ofmold and I wanted to be sick 

My mom talked to me while I was making my food.. she asked a lot about people in my class, and if i was making friends.. and I said no.. and she said I need to stop being shy and just put myself out there, since my other friend who's in Europe right now just went and hung out with this random girl that was on the trip with her.

That friend said she might have a crush on her :0

anyhow, I talked to Nico, Hanix, Lar, Colin, and Rynn today while I had my lunch. I said that me, Nico, and Sasha should have a minecraft wedding which they agreed with. Neither of them wanted to give up their last name, and so I said they could just keep theirs, and I could just take BOTH of theirs, with a dash in the middle, which they liked

Nico said because  I remembered how to spell their last name they should just marry me irl and then we talked about how they used to read books to me in call, andnow he wants to do it again which made me feel fuzzy and soft

then I took like an hour long nap.. got up and stretched some. It's SO hot idk why. Then my dad texted me which was alright.. fed my cats, ate some leftover sushi.. hung out on murder mystery for a little bit. Someone recognized my name from Amphibia which was neat !!! 

I don't really have much else to say lol I'm gonna make something for my dinner soon, don't know what.. hopefully talk to Sasha

oh yeah, coding in neocities IS SO HARD i need so much help, i spent 30 minutes on it and all that happened was I added some padding </3

okay !! see you all later !!! ilysm !!!

Listening To: Toby Fox - Finale

Mood: Anxious (as usual..)

2 Kudos


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GeekySans's profile picture

This blog looks so good.

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I HAVE an updated version in this link !!!!! i made it prettier bc i can kind of code now!!!!!!!

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report