jizzl lore ?? ehe!

Untitled hello... haters !! or lovers idk :p

Untitled r u guys ready 4 jizzl lore... heh... cuhhh❗❗🔥🔥

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Untitled September 2023 :: jizzl was ?? years old and on their skewl computer... almost every app/website was BWOCKED >:((

 and one day jizzl was listening 2 internet soulja on SoundCloud... jizzl was checking his links ,, and saw "spacehey" so.. of COURSE jizzl clicked a website they didn't know what it was !! 

jizzl thought his layout looked awesum sauce and wanted 2 make a kewl layout too... so... heh.. jizzl made an account... jizzl used their actual name (rookie mistake!) and had 0-95 friends and nobody knew who the fuck they were !! NOBODY they knew had EVER found out she had an account !!

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Untitled October 2023 :: jizzl js dropped out of skewl !! online skewl now... FML..... jizzl got a NEW computer !! and a new account since they got banned... I did nothing spacehey !! 

jizzl js did random shit on spacehey ,, bully pedos ,, make blogs and IM a few ppl !! October was pretty boring...

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Untitled November 2023 :: jizzl was getting bored and annoyed by the dryness !! so jizzl started interacting and posting bulletins more !! they became a non-npc !! got a much kewler layout and got more friends !! 

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and now.... December... where jizzl's name was born...

Untitled December 2023 :: jizzl was chilling on a random morning and got a friend request from the ONE and only lizzl !! her username at the time was "♡♡lizzl♡♡ (pookie😻)" !! don't ask why I remember !! 

anyways we IMed and became pretty good fwends !! and.. heh... to the point where we had matching pfps and usernames !! my irl name starts with a j ,, so I decided 2 go with "jizzl" !! I didn't make it jizzl because of jizz guys !! I didn't even know jizz was a nickname !! anyways my EXACT username was "♡♡jizzl♡♡ (very pookie😻)" !!! 


and thats where it all began....heh..!!


Untitled January 2024 ::  jizzl decided it was enough of being underground and unknown. jizzl started interacting with ppl and friending kewl ppl !!! 

January was super slow... it took 4ever 2 end !! jizzl kept hanging out with lizzl and made other friends !! 

other than that I think it was pretty normal !! drama free where I was :3

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Untitled February 2024 :: sigghh.... January is finally over !! jizzl got a weeeee bit more popular ?? not many ppl knew them... ehe! jizzl kept making bulletins but always got 0 comments... fuck you guys 4 this. grrrr....

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Untitled March 2024 :: ooooo.... now this is where it gets more fun and interesting !! jizzl had their first tuv pfp... !!

and this is when I met Jenny and zai... zai sent me a frq I think... ehe! and Jenny commented on my bulletin "FELLOW TUV WATCHER??" heh... don't ask how I remember.. 

and I made a bulletin "bark 4 papi" and she barked. and said "y-yes papi!!" and zai replied calling me an omega. and ever since Jenny has been my ekitten and zai has been my OPP!!

jizzl kept getting adds and profile comments "tuv fan?" "tuv mentioned !!!" and stuff...!! heh..!! and their bulletins were finally getting comments !! none of them flopped fr...heh... u newgens need 2 do better.

jizzl also met zebra1. why is he part of my lore? because he interacted with every bulletin I made.

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Untitled April 2024 :: jizzl got more popular 4 liking tuv... !! ehe !! jizzl kinda got a bit inactive cuz it was getting boring... But on the 1st jizzl faked being pregnant and nobody suspected anything....??? u guys r so dumb ISTG. 

and I also met my papa vixen !! he went by remi when we met tho !! :3

on the 15th or 16th I got a LIIILLLL too silly and tried 2 commit !! >_< it didn't work tho so yay? 

and around like the 29th I met kenize and daz !! we did a Google meet and they asked if I was acoustic.... ??? I am NOT acoustic !!  

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Untitled may 2024 :: okay now we are in a more recent time now... I developed a piss kink and a kenize obsession !! EVERYONE knows ab it !!

and in may..... I got t-t-t-t-t-targeted !! 😖 /impersonated....!!! ehe! idrc tho cuh it was so obvious it wasn't me !! and that mf can't even call me a redskin so !! 

a-and strawdrugz keeps adding me.... even tho she hates me !! I keep telling her 2 stop tho but... IG I'll have 2 sadly deal w/ it..

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Untitled Now ::

ehe!! now I STILL have a piss kink and kenize obsession !!! and ig a few things has happened since September..?? silly !! 

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thank u 4 reading my lore !!


24 Kudos


Displaying 7 of 7 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Lizzl ᯓ★ (michiko ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི)🧸🩰

𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Lizzl ᯓ★ (michiko ...'s profile picture

Ngh u remember

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ForeskinLord368's profile picture

i thot ur name came from jizz

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aisy waisy☆

aisy waisy☆ 's profile picture

W lore pookie

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Ais. I meant bulletins not blogs.

by 🎀 jizzl eatz cookeis :3; ; Report

Woopsie daisy

by aisy waisy☆; ; Report

Woopsie daisy

by aisy waisy☆; ; Report

Woopsie daisy

by aisy waisy☆; ; Report


ian's profile picture

w lore

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Cinderella (𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 witch hunter)

Cinderella (𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 witch ...'s profile picture

10/10 very informative.

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amber's profile picture

o-omg... j-jizzl lore...!1111!!!!

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🎸gavin☣️'s profile picture

whyd i read all this

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