✮✮✮ 6 . 25 . 2024 ✮✮✮

6 . 25 . 2024

Hey everyone! I haven't been very motivated to do much blogging or social media stuff. But I will put that aside for today, because I don't want my blog to completely die out.

I went to an antique mall with my best friend yesterday! It was so much fun, and it was good to be out of the house. I got the Rider Tarot deck. I've been wanting this deck because it's the standard deck, and it has all of the symbolism I need to know in order to read tarot. My first, and most used deck, is the Ethereal Visions deck by Matt Hughes. It is BEAUTUFIL. But I should have started learning with a Rider tarot deck.

I love tarot, but I've been feeling so stuck recently. Like my intuition is stunted. It sucks, because all I want to do is read tarot 24/7. But I get frustrated when the messages don't come through well.

If you've made it this far, THANK YOU! I got a tiffany lamp recently, let me know if you are interested in seeing a post dedicated to it! It was only $13, too. So, I'd say it was a steal.

0 Kudos


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