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Category: Games

Playing games in 2024 (a guide)

the first step to playing games is by having every single console that was released in your region.

After that. you gotta spend a lot of money on everything you want. if you don't want to pay, you don't have to. Just not the greatest idea. I feel its only morale if the company who made it isn't making money anymore (so no games with online transactions/current gen). so a list of consoles that i would not buy games for resale prices. - everything pre xbox one/ps4. (wii u is discontinued so you're good). 

if you want an in-between from legal and illegal, emulation will be your best friend, you can get your emulated games both legally and illegally

If you're a person with self respect who wants to have your games legally. long story short you either can't play a lot of games or spend a lot on either subscription services, overpriced games that you don't even own, or bad quality/extremely overpriced "vintage" games.

morally correct times to pirate - anything EA, Ubisoft, (i'd say blizzard but like everything is live-service and can't run offline besides maybe diablo and cod campaign/zombies)

Don't pirate from Indie Devs, they actually need the money you spend on their games (unlike EA)

I am a recovering pirate and am no longer in the business so my opinions may not be up to date. Do not use this guide as evidence in why AAA Devs are evil or anything.

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