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Category: Life

Things Have Been Different

Where Do I Begin?

Seven months ago my wife and I split up and I was in a really dark place and I mean a really dark place.

In November my wife and I split up after she fell in love with a coworker and I tried to end my life.

 In December we both moved into separate houses and she told me she might be pregnant with her new mans baby.

In January I tried to move on and tried dating again and she decided to keep the kids away from me.

In February her house was so bad the kids were taken away and I've been fighting for them in court.

In March I broke up with the girl I was with cause it was a really toxic situation and I found out my ex wife is pregnant. 

So What Happened?

Between November and Now I've lost 40 lbs and I now currently weigh 215 lbs.

In April I moved into my grandma's house and my dad step me up with a job working at his bar & grill. I've been working nonstop since then. I've been losing weight, I got a hair cut, and even some nice clothes.

Recently I've bought my own property which I hope to get a house on soon and I got to move into my parents where my kids were and I'm actually allowed to be there for them. Hopefully I have it dropped in September. There's a girl I like and I mean I really like her. I don't think she will ever feel that way about me though and I've been doing so well being single do I wanna jeopardize that just because I'm in love? Even if she's the sweetest, coolest, the only person I vibe with on a personal level whether I'm sober or not, and is a fiery redhead?  She's amazing though in so many ways and I'm grateful to have her in my life, she's my best friend and I'd rather keep her as a friend than confess my love and not have her in my life at all.

What's Gonna Happen?

I don't know, I honestly can't answer that question, but can either of us really. I'm not sure where I'm gonna end up or how I'm gonna end up, but I'm gonna keep trying to do my best not just for me, but for my kids. That's my responsibility. Yeah being single has been helpful, but I'm also just lonely sometimes. It'll pass though, everything does right?

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