jimmy-Kun's profile picture

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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes


What does this word mean? it means full of problems,,,, although it could have so many other meanings like i see people just throwing it out everywhere now adays,,,, everyone has a different meaning of what's "problematic" personally i feel like everyone is problematic in their own way like for example one person could say "oh i think lying is a problematic thing" so it would probably be that they think everyone that lies is problematic even the simplest things one person could consider it to be problematic no matter how well you are someone somewhere WILL deem you problematic,

also another thing paraphilia okay i get how you would find that problematic but i think that its not something that you should send people DEATH THREATS OVER like okay i get that you think oh yeah they'll get better with this but no that makes it even fucking worse cause paraphilia is a mental disorder paraphiles can't control what they're attracted too, then people will be all like "oh why don't they get help??" Maybe because they might be scared what'll happen if they confess anything??? you're literally sending them death threats and expect them not to be scared then it's actual people that they have to talk to that would be more terrifying to them because they get so much hate already that's online they don't want to know how bad in would be in real life,,,i also get that its bad but at least try to show some sort of sympathy for them you don't know what they went through to lead them up to be like that, also when people say "oh i hope you relive it" like what the fuck?? idk I'm just ranting though i guess like i truly feel bad for them

also why do people think pedophilia and paraphilia re the same thing? pedophilia is A paraphilia but its not the only one there is,,,, 

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RadianceMutt's profile picture

people also like to throw around that all paraphiles are harmful which isn't true when there's a load of harmless paraphiles like fictophiles like me, plushophiles and so many more.
idc if someone is a paraphile as long as it's not full-blown illegal.

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Sword Lover

Sword Lover's profile picture

Yeah, the demonization of those that feel a certain way but know that it’s wrong and don’t want to act on those desires needs to stop. There are people who are sexually attracted to kids but don’t act on it and know it’s wrong. They shouldn’t die for something pathological and for just thinking a certain way. They need help. Only upon a crime should they be punished.

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by jimmy-Kun; ; Report