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Category: Writing and Poetry

Fantasies:1 TW:Blood


    2. The party had gone swimmingly, (pun intended) the kids loved the new pool mom got last month.

    3. My younger brother had already learned to swim; he did much better than i ever did when i first swam. My mother had gone out to the front of the property, she said a special guest was arriving and i was hoping it'd be my older brother.

    4. I sat on my towel, trying to dry underneath the sun as i talked to my little sister about what they did while i was gone all of last June. "Hey, keep an eye on [brother’s name], I'm gonna head inside to change, alright?" I said, as i stood up, smiling down at my sister. “Alright, don't be too long, I may be the only one out of us three that can swim but you're the only one of us that knows CPR." my little sister joked, before dismissing me.

    5. I chuckled briefly as i walked back inside, my wet one-piece bathing suit sticking to me like a leather latex suit. I entered my dark room, I never really opened my curtains due to my fear of windows (not the computer, dummys). I grabbed my favorite long sleeve black shirt before layering over it with a red DC shirt. I wasn't really a fan of DC, but the red and black combo suited me well enough. I slipped on a pair of jeans and put on my belt before grabbing my metal baseball bat. It was a metal one with paint splattered all over it and signatures of different people who came to my house. The handle was replaced with black electrical tape and i named it Lucielle, after the walking dead, of course.

    6. I walked down the hall, the bat dragging behind me. I planned to use it as protection since i wanted to go on a quick walk, but then i heard my mother’s voice. She sounded like she was talking to someone. 

    7.  I entered the backyard where my siblings swam, and then I saw the bastard.

    8. That prick had a whole lot of nerve showing his stupid ass back here after what he had done. 

    9.  I'd never forgive that greedy, good for nothing, cunt.

Bryant. 6'0, long brown hair, brown eyes, white and hadn't shaved his beard in a hot minute.
My body instantly tensed up, rage coursing through my veins. I couldn't stand to see him, to see him alive, to see him here.

I felt my body move on its on, like instinct as I ran towards the bastard and swung my bat at his knees. A loud cry for help erupted from his mouth as the bat made contact with his knees. He fell to the ground and my relentless bat hitting began. With each hit i could hear the screams of shock and fear fade as i kept swinging. I kept hitting his face, over and over, his blood getting allover my glasses and face, at one point some of his blood splashed into my mouth. 

The copper taste filled me with even more adrenaline as i continued to beat him relentlessly. This brutal and violent act continued until there was nothing left for me to hit, his face was so brutally squashed and smashed that my bat just made contact with the ground. 

It took me a minute to gather my senses, to realize where the fuck i was.

I looked up to see my mom crying, mortified as her baby girl was now covered in her ex-husbands blood. 

My sister and brother we're crying too, it seemed that for a couple of minuets the whole world stopped, judging me for my crime. 

it wasn't a crime though, he made my kind and loving mother suffer for 16 years. He got what he deserved.

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