Hey, everybody! It's been a while since I've touched this website. I have definitely felt the need for a cleanse from life in general and all of its toxins. It can be a lot to handle sometimes, but I have returned. I still won't be on here that much, but I'll try to be active more often for sure. I've mainly just been working and getting into Dead by Daylight, which is a surprisingly fun game. There's such a high skill ceiling, so I've been dumping most of my effort into that. I've been seeing my friends more often, which is good because I have missed them dearly. To be frank, I still do because I am a very clingy friend. I've also been putting my energy into watching some more movies because I have always loved movies more than anything, but lately, I've felt like I'm depriving myself of seeing movies because of my depression. I gave myself a goal for June so that way I'd have motivation. My goal was to get through all of Satoshi Kon's works. Today, I finished Paprika, and I think it's my second favorite so far. The only project I haven't seen yet is paranoia agent, and the clock is ticking pretty fast, but I know I'll get there. Anyway, that's my little update! I hope you enjoy the poem (:
Death and Decay
Somewhere bright, where the irises bloom
A nuclear bomb lies, awaiting detonation
And though the breeze flows kindly here
The ticks get louder and closer still
There's a natural spring housing two swans
Utterly entwined with one another
Ignorant to the death that beholds them
And will surely vaporize their corporeal bodies
The dream ceases in seconds
And newspapers flood city streets
With flashy headlines highlighting the swans
And their bad habits that garner attention
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