Rambling abt Chris Dekota & Sam Llansing

I’m obviously too young to have experienced the era where Sam & Chris were active (MySpace era ig) but I wonder where they are now. 

I was watching YouTube and I got a video from 15 years ago recommended to me. it was Sam & Chris just lip syncing to some song but for some reason (probably bcs I thought they looked cool and I genuinely like to research abt things from the 2000s and prior.) I was very interested and decided to dive deeper.

I found an old Facebook post from around 2011 that said that they that are close friends (and that  I think said they live together??) And Chris was modelling for Hot Topic and Sam was modelling for something else or something like that. (The post wasn’t very clear.)

 I Also found an old instagram page that claimed to be Chris (hard_dekota) which I’m not sure if it’s actually was his instagram. (Hasn’t been updated in like 10 years.) The only reason I found it kinda believable is because there were photos I haven’t seen anywhere else on there but it is pretty hard to find photos of both of them now anyways. Another reason is that the account has some old MySpace link but obviously it’s inaccessible. Another reason is because I found a comment on one video with Sam & Chris abt the fact that they found both of their insta accounts. (Which could’ve also been impersonators tbh.) 

I was looking through old videos of Chris & Sam (Again) and found someone in the comments asking the same thing as me. Where are they now? And the replies were honestly not helpful. Just people rambling about random stuff but there was one reply that piqued my interest. The comment says: “They were in a car crash in 2022!!” Which shocked me, since I follow a few people who seem to know quite well of the “MySpace 2000s era icons” (or whatever I should call them.) and I didn’t find anything that said that they were deceased or anything like that?? 

0 Kudos


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