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=w= Albums Ranking Blog-The Blue Album

Hello Internet!

Welcome to My first entry to My very first blog here . Im gonna be ranking all weezer albums , starting off with Weezer (1994) aka. The Blue Album ! Im gonna list of what I like and what I dislike about each song before ranking them from 0/10 .

Lets get the show on the road with one of the best album openers of all time...

1) MY NAME IS JONAS (3:24):

The song starts off with a acoustic intro before quickly jumping into a heavy electric guitar .

A quick summary of the lyrics is that the song is about an aftermath of an car accident where the insurance (Jonas) will not grant the money to the victim (Leaves Cuomo/James Kitts) .

The song is one of the greatest if not THE greatest album opener that I know . The song easily smashes together both the heavy rock chords with 3 chord acoustic tunes and it couldnt sound better .

2) NO ONE ELSE (3:04):

No one else is a relationship song telling a story of a guy who doesnt trust his girlfriend to a point of paranoia/anxiety that she is cheating on him .

No one else in a contrast to Jonas is a fully electric guitar song not delivering any acoustic parts which in My opinion works here .

The song while having some pretty weird/awkward/creepy lyrics gets carried by the melody itself making the song sound better than Jonas .


The world has turned and left Me here covers the same pair of character as the no one else . The fallout of the previous song left the main guy alone without His girl and suffering cause of that as he watches all the memories with her fade into the deepths of his brain .

The world has turned starts of with a bombastic drum fill before re-using the same formula as Jonas did (using acoustic guitar) but this time its accompanied by a heavy and deep electric guitar .

The song is fantastic . Pats kick is very noticeable in this song which works . At the very last part of the song Cuomo , Bell and Sharp sing together in unison which sounds just magical . At the very outro the acoustic guitar returns for a small reprise before it all turns into scrapes and screeching from the guitars as it all fades away .

4) BUDDY HOLLY (2:39):

Buddy Holly is the first song on the album using a chord keyboard . It tells a goofy story of a guy standing up for his friend whos getting dissed by his homies .

The song has its moment like of course the lick but also the chorus and those keyboard cutaways .

I honestly dont really have alot to say about this song . Easily the worst song on the album which will surely come off as just a unpopular opinion for sake of having an unpopular opinion but I really never got into this song as much as others on the album .


Undone is a song about a socially awkward/introvert guy who by the end of the song falls into a deep depression .

The song starts off in probably the most famous drum fill by Pat which basically just goes snare x2 , kick , snare x2 , kick , snare x2 , tom followed by a clean guitar riff . While the track goes on Karl Koch starts to talk over it with Matt Sharp . In the later part of the song Sharp is replaced by Mykel Allen .

The songs highlights are definitely: the intro , the chorus , the solo and the vocalizing after the solo . The ending always felt a bit too stretched out .

Undone was the song that got Me into weezer being the first one I heard which means Im giving it extra credit . Even then though it falls kinda flat compared to for example Jonas or the world has turned or only in dreams further down the album . Its not even nearly as bad as Buddy Holly though .


Surf wax America is a very lighthearted song being just about wanting to surf . It may be the happiest song on the album alteast compared to whats going to come up next .

The intro is very catchy and sets the mood . It gets You hooked up to the song from the beginning . the build up coming to the shouted ,,Lets go!" fits . The only part I dont really like that much is the bridge but its never too bad .

This song is one of the highlights of the album being easily one of the best . It also holds up surprisingly strong compared to songs outside of Blue .

7) SAY IT AINT SO (4:18):

Say it aint so is one of the darkest songs on Blue being almost as open as any Pinkerton song . It explores the concept of Rivers Cuomos alcochol fear . Its also tied to family issues especially daddy issues .

Say it aint so is My personal favorite Blue single . It hits Your ear right . Shaps falsetto accompanies Rivers voice very nicely here . Wrestle with Jimmy is an iconic line . The build up to the solo is the best part of the song including the solo itself . Chorus is great and the further You go the better the chorus gets .

Say it aint so is a great song easily beating Undone or Buddy Holly .

8) IN THE GARAGE (3:55):

In the garage is a song about nerds...Which doesnt sound very nice...But it actually works surprisingly well . The song just tells a story of Rivers just living in his garage and playing DnD and writing songs and not bothering anyone .

The guitar tone is very VERY heavy and deep , I honestly barely recognize each chords which SOMEHOW WORKS! The song is VERY fun to sing while the vocal-guitar harmony at the end of the guitar solo is just great . Its similar to Undone in that part .

The intro isnt too good . I just cant hold it in much more . The harmonica use is very creative but it doesnt sound the best . I cant stand the weird screech entering the solo . Its awful . The song itself is good...Too bad it beats itself up...Its only saving grace is how good the other parts sound and the lyrics are somehow very relatable . Still better than Buddy Holly .

9) HOLIDAY (3:24):

Holiday is an allegory for the music industry . It was written basically right after weezers got signed to Geffen . The lyrics may also be interpreted as just a Guy going on a adventure with his Girl .

THE . INTRO . IS . FANTASTIC! I CANT QUITE PUT IT INTO WORDS HOW GOOD THE INTRO IS! The bridge suffers from the same problem as the Surf wax bridge but I do not care in the slightest . The feedback that works as a transition between the bridge and the harsh section afterward before it get over layed by the gang singning in unison which just breaks into the ending chorus where the riff from the intro returns while Rivers signs on top of his lungs while Bell accompanies Him before they split in a scenario where Bell keeps the note while Rivers fades before they all go silent for this intro riff once more which quickly turns into this harsh guitar with ,,Lets get away" sung all around while Pat uses some creative fills which all serves as the culmination point! this whole section just ends on ,,In a heartbeat" sung by the 3 ! And the guitar and the end!

This . This is the song so far...I cant think of a better song...Everything just fits...Easily the best .

10) ONLY IN DREAMS (7:59):

...Well...I may have lied...Holiday is NOT the best song of the Blue album...No...

Only in dreams is in My opinion a song about a guy having a crush on a girl . He is shy though and unable to confess to her . He tries to forget about her but is unable (,,You cant resist her Shes in Your bones/You cant avoid Her Shes the air/In between molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide") . He finally confesses but comes to a realization thats it was only in his dreams meaning that He is still in the square 1 . In My opinion the 2 verse shows that He finally breaks and asks Her for a dance...She...Agrees...Then chorus reveals that it was also a dream...He is almost given up repeating to Himself that its all in dreams . He has enough though and tries to confess . I think that She didnt reject Him...But something had to happen later...Maybe they broke up...Maybe it was also Only In Dreams...?

The song opens up with a bass intro which is rare . This is the song where bass is crucial . Shaprs quickly joined by the ride cymbal then a acoustic and then a clean guitar before tuning into the verse . The heavy guitar comes in only on the chorus then We are back to pat Matt and clean guitar . On Chorus 2 We get a repeat but it doesnt end quickly as Rivers repeats ,,Only in dreams" . By the 4th repetition the electric guitar re-enters . It gets harsher with every repeat before Pat transitions the song into a small solo which turns into scratches and fading out into bass...And then...Magic...ride slows down over time before it dissapears . Bass still going . After aprox 2-3 seconds of bass only ride returns getting faster . One guitar rejoins too later . Second guitar goes in aswell . At one point the guitars play in unison . Pat ads a snare and it all joins us into a crescendo . Then pat swiftly puts us once more into a solo that spans a whole-ass minute with progressive fills by him making us followed Him into a explosion...It all goes back to the bass...Thats why I think something happened later...He is back at the beginning He has to be back...

Only in dreams is a masterpiece in motion . Bass takes the spot light away but even then everyone has a chance to shine . I really cant say anything else...I cant put anything else into words . This 8 minute bastard deserves every good review of it .


1.ONLY IN  DREAMS (10/10)

2.HOLIDAY (9.5/10)



5.NO ONE ELSE (9.2/10)


7.SAY IT AINT SO (8.8/10)


9.IN THE GARAGE (8.4/10)

10.BUDDY HOLLY (8/10)




1 Kudos


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