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Category: Blogging

coming up with new neopet names today

so i have a newish hobby that i have made more official yesterday!!

since this is a new blog, i will do a little 'splainin.... i'm an avid Neopets user and fan, been playing on and off since i was 10 (i'm 28 now, how time fliez lolz ^_^)! i wanted to add somethin cool 2 the website, since i've been mostly a lurker for as long as i can remember (im pretty shy online & irl, im using this blog as a way to break outta my comfort zone!)...

so i decided 2 make my own free namez pet page!!!
basically, on Neopets, your can choose a unique name for your neopet, and only 1 neo can be named one name (example: one Starry, one starry_11, etc.). i'm pretty good at coming up with fun, untaken names, so i decided to use my powerz 4 good and host a lil' webpage w/ free namez for the taking!!

today i am going to come up with sum more 4 fun, i'm so excited!!!!11 ^_^ i hope some people use my names soon!


2 Kudos


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