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Category: Friends

Random art GCSE story!!!

Friday was my first art GCSE lesson, I sat on a row with my friends, our teacher gave us a rather simple task as it was only our first. We had to choose to draw either a fruit, shell or nut (I chose the shell), all my mates picked pomegranate). The two kids my age behind me were talking about how they only chose art because it fit their other options and didn't actually want to do it. Then one of them saw I was doing the shells and thy both started chanting 'lucky shit' behind me, made me giggle honestly. I turned round and asked if they wanted one of the shells because i was only using one of them as a reference, They shout back at me "NOOOOOOO" but not angrily, they were obviously just having a laugh because they were pretending to be scared lmfao. Anyway while I was waiting for my friends mum to pick us both up that guy and a massive group of guys walked past, one from my tutor turned to us and shouted "HE THINKS YOU GUYS ARE FIT", He was obviously lying bcz like.... what. Anyway the guy immediatly denied it then as he was walking off said "Aren't they like year sevens... oh shit their our year." BRO I JUST SPOKE TO YOU??

anyway thats the end of my little rant i felt silly!

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