xXaSspen_h3s_3moXx's profile picture

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Category: Life

June 16 2024- June 23 2024

haiiii >u0 

itz assy-penny!! 

srry 4 not updating l8ly :_) 

but here’s a break down of the past (week i think?) 

sunday: father’s day! i went 2 my grandparents house and we had l8 lunch/early dinner. funzies!! 

monday: had 2 watch sum presentation abt pollution, which i genuinely enjoyed ngl, & then i watched sum acidmilk vids & onetopic vids & i finished my painting!! 

tuesday: my partner left 4 indiana D: other than that… not much. made sum pride kandi 2 hand out @ pride & had 2 sit thru another presentation about dr*gz. ew. 

wednesday: had th day offz from summer camp 4 juneteenth, wich btw, happy late juneteenth y’all! so my dad’s friend and their kid came over 4 th day and we hung out. also made cookies impulsively @ 10 PM  

thursday: made more pride kandi!! & I GOT MY HAIR CUT!!! WOOOO! A person (me) with green-ish short hair looking into the camera.

(hopefully the pic showed up) also i made a reyna from th riordanverse edit!! itz on my yt if u wanna look! 

friday: went swimming @ a mini water park & i conquered my fear of the big slide there! i went down w/ my friend angel! but my cuff broke :( & then i went to a rlly weird dollar store that i realized was totally a conservative store but i got a kewl studded belt (that had horrible quality) & some beads. 

saturday: i went 2 pride!!! i wuz marching!! like 3 ppl told me they luved me lolz. it wuz so fun! & then i got home & watched steven universe: the movie (again) 

sunday (so far): literally like nothing lolz. js been sittin in bed. i’m tired from yesterday! 

ok, well that wuz A LOT! 

thiz iz aspen, signing offz!! 

-aspen x >u< 

0 Kudos


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