every time someone asks for rhythm game recs I'm shilling Mungyodance 3. I love this game and it's taking over my life again. I play Stepmania too but between the numbered life system that isn't based on note accuracy, the wide array of difficulties, the (mostly) good song choices (a few of my favorite songs are in this game, which is awesome), and the generally really good charts, MGD3 is the one I prefer to play. I've been playing it off and on for 4 years now and I've finally breached level 100 with my skill threshold, which is pretty high. Still definitely not the hardest that charts in this game get (there's an extra challenge mode that I've very barely scratched the surface of), but it's past the halfway mark.
I went into this game having never played a 4-step rhythm game like this before (or any rhythm game, really) and was absolutely AWFUL at everything except a couple of charts on easy difficulty, and now I'm finishing charts with good scores on difficulties I used to think were insurmountable. I LOOOOVVVEEE when video games give me something like this, it is sooo satisfying and truly makes me feel like I've accomplished something. I guess some more of my favorite games are also like this in some way, with a long line of increasing challenges ahead of you that you gradually progress further down as your skills improve until things you thought were impossible are fully possible: Monster Hunter Generations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, even Splatoon to a degree. My progression may be slow, but the payoff is so worth it.
from now on
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