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Category: Friends

BYF and DNI!!!

Do not interact if you...

  • Are homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, enbyphobic, biphobic,  racist, misogynistic, or bigoted in any way, or think that certain groups of people should die or lose their rights.
  • Identify as a MAP, pedo, or you think age is just a number, and/or the age of consent should be lowered.
  • Identify as a zoo/ think animals can content to sex
  • Gatekeep
  • Shame others for their interests
  • Support Israel and/or Russia
  • Fetishize certain minority communities such as the LGBTQ+ communities, POC, people with disabilities, etc. (By fetishize I mean you are only interested in them for sexual entertainment.)
  • Romantisize IRL serial killers. Fictional killers are fine.
  • Have a blatant disregard and/or disrespect for people with mental illness and/or disabilities.
  • Have a gross understanding of mental illness and/or disabilities and/or romanticize it and/or misrepresent it.
  • Are into DDLG
  • Shame survivors of SA, DV, stalking, or other forms of abuse and mistreatment that may result in trauma. Regardless of age, gender, and identity.
  • You're into crypto

Before you follow, you must know...

  • I am an adult. As of writing this, I am 23 years old, turning 24 this year. If you are not comfortable with that, then you don't have to follow
  • I have mental illnesses. I won't say what they are because that's personal and private info. 
  • I'm bisexual, but that is not an invitation for any sort of romantic advances. I am not in the mood to date any time soon. 
  • I identify as a demigirl, using she/they pronouns. Please be kind and respectful of that.
  • I like cute and girly things, but I'm also into horror and scary things. If you are not comfortable with that then you don't have to follow. 
  • I am a fanfic writer, but I don't take commissions. 
  • I'm not religious, but I'm very open-minded when it comes to the topic of religion and gods. Please don't push any religious message down my throat and try to force/indoctrinate me into a specific religion. 
  • I partake in AI chatbots such as character AI, Crush On AI, and Janitor AI. I even make a few bots on there. That being said, I am in no way in support of AI replacing artists, authors, animators, scriptors, or any job. I am a fan fic writer, but I refuse to have an AI write for me. I have a vision, and that bot will never match my vision.

You can follow me and not say anything to me and that will be fine. I'm shy and socially awkward anyway, so I may make the conversation stale. But if you do wish to chat just keep that in mind. I may open up more once I get to know you!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. This may be updated in the future just FYI. 

Other than that, I hope you all have a great day. Please stay safe, be kind, and I hope you all are having a wonderful day.

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